Chapter 9: Popular (Pt. 1)

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"Today we have a new student joining our class. Everyone be nice to her." My new teacher wrote my name on the board. 

"It's great to meet everyone! I hope to have lots of fun and get along with everybody here!" I smiled my widest, brightest smile. 

"You can sit in any empty spot you'd like." The teacher beamed, obviously moved by my enthusiasm. Enthusiasm means interest or excitedness. I noticed a spot in the second row. It's perfect. 

My name's Abbey Davis and I'm ten years old. This year I'll be eleven. I moved schools a couple times after my dad died, but this time we're not going anywhere so I'm gonna make friends. I swear it!

"So Abbey, where are you from?"

"Your bag is so cute, where did you get it?"

"You talk smart."

"Wow, you've got cookies? Can I have some?"

Heheh. After moving schools over and over, I've gotten used to this. My first time, I got nervous and ended up all alone. Being alone is terrible, so I'll do anything I can to not have to go through that again. Even if it means lying, cheating, or a whole lot of work!

"You're so good at sports, Abbey! You should join a team!"

"You're so nice, let's be friends!"

"You make your own lunch? That's so cool!"

"You can play the piano, the recorder, the violin and the ukulele?  I don't even know what that is!"

By my fourth week of school, everyone in the grade knew my name (and lots and lots of people from the other grades too). I befriended almost every single person in the class. I practiced and studied hard at home so that people thought I was super smart and amazing.

I don't make my own lunch. I'm not rich. I'm not from some high-end part of town. I'm not naturally gifted at anything. I definitely can't play the piano, the violin, the recorder or the ukulele. But I'm awfully good at persevering (that means trying really hard). I researched the art of conversation and useful mind tricks so that I seem likeable. I practiced talking to strangers over and over again. I saved up for the best clothes and stayed up late binging dumb popular TV shows so I could say I was into them. It was boring, but completely worth it! Everyone loves me! I can do this... I won't be alone this time.

"Hey, hey, Abbey! Did you finish that super long homework thing we got yesterday?" Sonia asked.

"No, um, my puppy ran away yesterday... so I spent all evening looking for him..." I frowned.

Everyone loves puppies. That's pretty much a fact. At every single school I went to, the students all like dogs for some reason (I'm not an animal person, so I'm not sure why but whatever). My excuse is flawless, everyone will pity me (that means they'll feel sorry for me).

I usually do all my work, but the new game I'd been waiting for was finally released and I just had to play it... all night...

"Oh no! He's okay now, right? Your puppy." They completely bought it.

"Our teacher really likes you, I don't think she'll get mad if you explain." Alan said. That made sense, but I would still rather not tell the teacher. What if she talks to my mom about it at a parent-teacher interview or something? We've never had a dog! 

"Can I copy your answers? Just this one time." I batted my eyelashes in a sad-yet-adorable way.

"Uh... I'll give them to you but..."

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