Chapter 11: The White Room

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It's happening. It finally is. 

Solis knocks, then slowly reaches for the large metal doorknob.

"Wait wait! Are we allowed to just waltz in there?" I whispered, stopping her.

"We were called down on the PA, and I knocked. It should be fine..." Solis sounds nervous, but twists the handle open anyways.

She pushes open the dark iron door with all her might, and Yoru jumps in to make the job easier. The moment we walked into the room, Solis seemed to stiffen.

This is when we finally get our first mission assigned to us by the headmaster. 

I've seen her before. Well, not seen... more like heard. She doesn't really show herself for some reason. I'm not one to pry, but it seems suspicious to me. Usagi said the headmaster must be really self-conscious about her appearance or maybe she has lots of bad hair days. The twins thought maybe she got in a freak accident and now she's lost an eye and an arm or something. I have no idea what the reason is, but maybe I'm just overthinking it. 

"Come on come on, you'll be left behind Aoi~!" Usagi interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah, coming!"

"You can't space out like that when we're talking to the headmaster, right?" She warned me.

"Mhm! I'm paying attention!" I assured her. 

"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w" Nebbia stuttered. 

"WHITE!" The twins exclaimed. The room was, in fact, very white. So white, that I couldn't even tell where it ended, where the ceiling was, or even if we were standing on solid ground. There was no furniture, paintings or carpet. The back of the door was also white, so once it closed, we felt like we were in the middle of nowhere. 

"Hiroto, Hiroko, Aoi, Usagi, Nebbia, Yoru and Solis. First year group three has arrived." Solis' clear voice echoed through the room. Her nervousness had vanished completely. 

"Thank you, Solis. I'm sure you'll do fine as group leader." Another voice rang out through the empty room. I've heard it before.

"Thank you, I am not worthy of such praise." She responded with a monotone voice to match her monotone expression. Monotone? Not a word I would ever expect to describe Solis with. 

"Since when is she the leader!?" Yoru blurted, spinning her head around frantically (probably not sure where to look when speaking to someone she couldn't see).

"Since now, my little night witch. Why don't you all take a seat?" The voice said.

"Take a seat? Wh" Before we'd noticed, a row of neat leather armchairs were lined up behind us. They almost looked as if they were floating on air in this pure white room. We all took a seat, including Yoru (more reluctantly, but she still sat down). 

"Let's get right into it now, shall we? First, you will from today be known as witch group X4L. Just 'X' for short or in more casual situations. You all MUST know your group number, for safety and identification purposes. The seven of you are all skilled in individual areas, but together are very well-rounded. Before I announce your first destination, I would like to confirm a few things." Her voice slowed at the end. 

I was going to check my watch, but I couldn't. My arms stayed at my sides, as if they were not meant to move at all. My mouth didn't open when I tried to make it, either. I can blink and breathe, but that's about it. Is it the chair I'm sitting in? Is it the headmaster using a spell? I look as far right and as far left as I can. No one else moves from their seats. 

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