Chapter 4: Strawberry Pig

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It's Solis again. We're in Rhunnes class now. Our teacher sits at his desk, on his phone like he usually is. Aoi and Usagi gave everyone a handout package each. 

"Okay, wanna go over the lesson together? It's weird how no one takes this subject seriously. Doesn't anyone else think it's cool to be able to understand every single language ever?"  I said, spinning my pencil on my fingers. Nebbia nodded.

"It would really be useful for travelling... a-and stuff like that." He smiled slightly. Nebbia's been in a better mood lately. He's been studying, his posture is better, and he's been talking more both to me and others as well. Plus, guess what? I managed to take his number down three percent!!

We went over the entire work package together. Usagi lent me some pretty highlighters, so I used those to help make the key points stand out. That way studying for tests will be easier later on, when missions will probably take up a lot of our time.

"Done! That wasn't so hard." I put down my pencil.

"Mhmm." Nebbia agreed. "Th-thanks for always helping me with Rhunnes. I'm only good at science so... "

"Oh you don't have to thank me! You can get better at anything if you try hard enough. Besides, it's only because of your help I'm acing science. Don't sell yourself short, Nebbia. By the way, why don't we go help Yoru? Look over there, she hasn't done the sheets. Since we've got it down pat, I'm sure we could help." I asked. He didn't look so sure.

"I-I guess we could but... what if she hits  me again?" He shudders.

"...Don't worry about that. Even though it may seem like she doesn't like you, I'm sure she's just making it look that way. Like a tsundere." I nodded.

"A soonday...w-what?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing! And Yoru wouldn't do that, I'm sure she actually likes you. She just has a hard time expressing her feelings. Even if she does try to hit you for some reason, don't worry! I'll be here." I smiled, which seemed to put him at ease.


We got up and stumbled over to Yoru's desk.

She sat by the window in the back, looking outside. The thought of going up behind to scare her crossed my mind, but... no. That would either not work, or just really tick her off. Before I got the chance to think it through, she'd already noticed us standing there.





For a while, no one said anything, which gave me my chance to decide what to do. 

"I'll be right back, 'kay?" I turned and went back to our desks on the other side of the class.

"S-solis! W-where are you going...? You're going to leave me all alone with... " Nebbia looked down.

"With what? What're you doing here anyway?" She looked angry, but he wouldn't know. Nebbia starred down at the floor, not daring to look up.

"I-I...We..." He froze.

"Okay. I'm back!" I came carrying my chair and my pencils.

"We came because we're done and now we've got nothing to do! You look like you've got nothing to do either, but that means you're done with today's lesson, right?" 

"If you're bored go play with someone else...Hey, don't take your stuff here!" Yoru raised her voice. I pushed my chair in on the side of her desk and put down my pencils. 

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