Chapter 3: Double the Cute

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Hi! No, I'm not Solis. It's actually me, Usagi. Do you remember me from the last two chapters? Well you must be super confused right now, so let me explain. You see how my name is underlined at the beginning of the chapter? That means I'm going to be telling the story this time! I'm so excited!! Usually Solis' name is up there, but it will change from time to time. So if you ever want to know who's perspective you're listening to, just look at the first word of the chapter! Okay, let's go over it one more time. Since my name is at the beginning, I'm telling the story this chapter. Let's say... Aoi's name was up there. Who's perspective would it be in? That's right, Aoi! And if Nebbia's name was up there? Nebbia! Okay, one more example....

What's that?

You get it already?

Okay then, let's get going! 

We've been standing around in the corner of the class for a while now not saying a thing. Some strange black-haired boy stuck his head in the window for a second, and broke the silence in our little corner. I don't know him, but Solis, Nebbia and Yoru seem to. I'll leave it to them, then. 

Soon enough, we heard the bell. That means it's time for next period. Yay! Second period is where we all separate into different classes depending on our magic types, and I'll be going to transformation 101 with Hiroko and Hiroto. It isn't really called transformation 101, I just like to call it that (・ω・) .

I wave goodbye to everyone and cut in between the twins walking to class. They don't seem to like it when I do that so I move back out and beside Hiroko instead. It's hard to notice, but the twins hold hands sometimes. I think it's insanely cute~! (^_^) Just between you and me, I really love cute things. Sometimes I end up buying bags of stickers and pillows that I'm never going to really use, but they were so cute I just couldn't help it!

"I never asked this because I thought it was a teensy bit obvious but, you two are identical twins, right?" I asked. They looked at each other and sighed. 

"That's not how it works." They said.

"Identical twins can't be the same gender." Hiroto rolled his eyes.

"We just happen to look similar." Hiroko played with the turtle accessory on her backpack.

"Really?? You guys sure do know a lot. Ooh, that's such a cute turtle stuffy you've got there, Hiroko. And isn't it great that we're all in the same missions group?? I can't wait until we go on our first mission!!" I giggled.

"This afternoon we're meeting with the headmaster to get our first mission assigned to us." They said together.

"That's so GREAT I just can't waaaiit. By the way, do you guys know anything about that guy from before? The cat one." (:3) I don't know why I relate him to cats, he just reminds me of cats. That guy with the black hair. Y'know, how he's all sneaky and stuff and pops up in random places. His eyes are really cat-ish, too. 

"Which cat one? You mean the guy in the window? Those three seem to know about him. He seems suspicious. Solis calls him 18% and said he lived in her neighborhood... he was also a pickpocket, right?" Hiroto mumbled.

"Yes, yes, very suspicious. What do you think's going on, are they hiding something from us?" Hiroko squinted her eyes.

"Nerd-face called him his brother but Angry-chick denied it strongly so does that mean those two are related as well though they don't seem to be on very good terms but that boy why was he there if they're related then is he a witch too no that can't be because he would have been asked to attend this school but if he isn't then how did he pass the barrier to get here normal people shouldn't be able to do that but maybe he had a magic accomplice..." Hiroto went on and on, thinking out loud. Sounds like he's bad with names. Or he could be just making fun of them... Nah, he wouldn't do something like that.

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