Chapter 6: Friendly Competition

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We're on our way to our next class, and the twins still aren't awake. It was a little harder than I thought, carrying a person while running at top speed. My levitation made the job much easier, though. Hiroko rubbed her eyes.

"Where is this?" She mumbled.

"We're taking you to class." I said. 

"Class...?" She still seemed half asleep.

"Combat class. Isn't that one of your favourites? Yoru has your brother by the way."

"My... brother... here?" She blinked and turned around to face Yoru carrying sleepy Hiroto.

"Eh? That's not... brother........ that's...." She yawned. "That's just... Theo." She closed her eyes again. I guess she really was just sleep talking.

We made it to class, but the twins still hadn't gotten up.

"What do we do? How are we going to--" I was interrupted.

Yoru raised her arm and slapped them both across the face.

"IT'S TIME FOR CLASS. WAKE UP." She yelled. I guess that works.

"Ow." They opened their eyes. Yoru swung the door open and shoved them in. I cautiously followed from behind. 

"That was a bit much, but you were a big help." I thanked her. She ignored me and moved on.

The class huddled around our teacher for instruction. We aren't late, that's good. But where are Aoi and Usagi? They'd better hurry up.


So basically, this is a practice period. Okay.

I find a spot in the humongous gymnasium, and do some quick stretches. Then some breathing exercises, some yoga poses, jumping jacks, push-ups (really bad ones), squats, on-the-spot-jogging, and pretty much everything I could think of but fighting. I really don't like combat, it's my worst subject. The only real "attack" I have is levitation. I can lift stuff, and throw stuff at stuff. Even if I could, I'd rather avoid fighting all together. Before I could further remind myself of my uselessness, Nebbia popped up.

"Oh, h-hi Solis."

"Hey Nebbia, any luck with training?"

"Um... n-no. None." He seemed pretty embarrassed.

"Heh heh, we're on the same page then! So what's up?"

"We-ll, the twins, they're fighting Yoru right now... So do you want to g-go over and..." He trailed off.

"Oh, that's a smart idea! Since we're making next to no progress on our own, carefully observing and learning from the battle between the first-years' top fighters would probably help lots more. Let's go!!" I cheered enthusiastically. 

"O-okay, l-let's go...!" He tried to be enthusiastic, too. He really tried.

"No need to push yourself, Nebbia." I patted him on the back. 

We made it all the way over to where the three of them were fighting. By the time we got there, the battle had already long started. But the way it was going, it looked like the winner was already obvious. And there weren't three people fighting... just two?

Hiroko and Yoru stood on either side of the room, Hiroko gripping a long and thin sword while Yoru was barehanded. Hiroko charged, at a speed my eyes could barely follow. She swung her blade from above, but Yoru stepped back and raised the back of her arm to block the attack. Yoru's entire body was bathed in an eerie red light. That must be her magic. I know physical types like her mainly use their powers for physical enhancements, in this case, managing to make her skin tough to repel a blow like that. Or maybe she made a barrier around herself as a form of protection. 
Whatever it was, it worked. Yoru easily deflected all of her attacks. The two of them were at it for a while. Hiroko slashing, Yoru deflecting. Eventually, Yoru seemed bored of it and lunged forward with her block, making Hiroko bounce back and fall. She took this opportunity to use her signature "kick of death" and smashed Hiroko's face open. Yes, literally. Hiroko's body melted upon contact until all that remained was a puddle. Yoru blinked and look a bit surprised. I guess that wasn't supposed to happen.
While she was confused, the liquid solidified itself back into Hiroko from behind Yoru's back.

I get it, since the twins specialize in transformation, they can "melt" themselves before they are attacked so that they're never hurt. That is, if they're fast enough. 

Hiroko swung at Yoru's shoulder, but couldn't swing through. That red glow seemed to protect her at every angle, with no blind spots. Yoru turned and grabbed the sword by the blade, tossing it far behind them. Hiroko froze.

"H-how... my sword..." She stared up at Yoru, towering over her.

"You two arrogant idiots decided to pick a fight with me for fun? You're gutsy, I'll give you that." She cracked her knuckles. "And I thought there were two of you? Did the other one chicken out?" The red glow darkened around her fingers as she formed them into fist. 

Hiroko's fearful expression bended and twisted like she was about to cry.

"J-just... just...!" She closed her eyes. Yoru saw Hiroko quivering and hesitated for a second.


kidding~!" She stuck out her tongue. Yoru grew angrier, but was suddenly interrupted by a sharp pain behind her. 

"OWW!!" She screeched, and staggered back. While she was so focused on Hiroko, Hiroto managed to find the one place Yoru's seemingly impenetrable shield wasn't protecting. 

"Ha. You're not aware of your surroundings. That little barrier of yours may be strong, but it has a gaping blind spot... Your hair!" Hiroto smirked. 

It's true. While she wasn't looking, he grabbed and yanked her ponytail. Really hard. Yoru has extremly long hair, and doesn't tie it up tighter than a simple ponytail.

She quickly recovered, but it wasn't quick enough. They had already prepared for their next attack. In a flash, the sword had returned to Hiroko's hand.

"GAME OVER!" She announced as she came charging back.
Hmm... So Hiroto is her sword. That's where he was all this time. Transformation witches sure are cool. Hiroko slashed at her once more.
Yoru didn't look satisfied.
"How many times do we have to do this over again for you to get it? An attack from that puny sword won't hurt me. Ever." She grabbed them both, throwing them into the hard brick wall with her crazy strength. Hiroto turned back to his normal self the instant they were hit.
They lay still.

"You're lucky I went easy on you. Don't be upset, you two never had a chance of beating me, and you never will." Yoru grunted. She looked annoyed, almost like she expected more of a challenge. 

"Au contraire." Hiroto sneered.
"Take a look at yourself before you say that." They chorused.

Yoru looked confused, but then realized what they were talking about.

Her long hair,

had be cut short.

Strands of pitch black hair were scattered across the floor. 

She patted the back of her head, she patted harder, expecting her ponytail to still be there. But no amount of head-patting could fix that. 

"You... you cut my hair..." She whispered, in shock. 

"Don't worry if you expected more of us." Hiroko smiled.

"Someday, we'll beat you and become the most powerful witches." Hiroto joined.

"Stay strong 'till then, 'kay?" 

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