Chapter 7: Hair

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"And we'd just started to all get along..." I sighed.

"You cut her hair? She's gonna be mad!" Aoi was worried.

"No no no no no no!!" Nebbia was really freaking out.

"She isn't. In fact, she should be grateful. That hair of hers was nothing but a handicap." Hiroto responded casually. "Someone who's only skill is fighting can't go around with long hair flowing all over the place. It's annoying." 

"It's better this way. With her weakness removed, we'll have proper competition guaranteed. And on top of that, a more capable teammate!" Hiroko grinned.

"It'll be fine~!" The twins chorused. "So now that that's over and done with, what's for lunch?"

We argued and argued as we walked through the halls of our school. Usagi trailed behind us, fiddling with the strap of her sling bag.

"And what're you thinking about?" Aoi matched her pace.

"Hmm... It's nothing." She shook her head. Anyone could tell by her furrowed eyebrows she was concerned. It was completely obvious.

"You're sure?" He asked again. She looked up at him.

"Well..." She started. "Yoru's hair was so long... it was almost down to her heels, Aoi. That's longer hair than I've ever seen in my life, you know! And I've seen a lot of hair in my life, you know!" The big bow on her head bobbed up and down as she spoke. 

"Yeah?" He asked. "What about it?"

"The way Hiroto cut her hair was cut slanted and uneven. That's not good!" She made lots of hand gestures as she spoke. She tends to do that when she gets worried about things, which doesn't happen too often. "Yoru has to get to a hair salon quickly! She must be terrified right now, walking around in public with uneven hair... I know I would be!" Usagi tightly grabbed her long red hair like she was afraid it would fall right off her head.

"That does sound terrible." He said, pretending like he could relate her hair problems. And that gave me an idea.

"Usagi, let's go find Yoru quickly. If we hurry, we can take her to get her hair fixed before the bell rings again. I'm sure that'll make her feel better. Do you know any nice hair salons we can go to near the school?" I asked. Usagi's mood instantly improved. 

"Omigoshhh Solis that's a super great idea! We should've done that earlier let's go let's go let's go let's go!" She sped off back to the class. 

"Since when could she run so fast?" Aoi blinked in disbelief.

"Will power goes a long way sometimes. We'll be back after lunch, see you!" I waved, running after Usagi. I'm not really sure what'll happen. Will Yoru brush us off? Probably, but this is a prefect opportunity to improve her mood and get on her good side. I've been trying to, but it's kind of difficult...  No excuses. Yoru's number is too high, and that bothers me. I'll make this right. 

I managed to catch up to Usagi. She quickly scanned the combat room and left to look somewhere else. I ran after her again, but then I actually gave this some thought. 

Couldn't I just use my shadow perception to make this easier? We've only got an hour for lunch, so we have to be as fast as we can. 

"Usagi! Usagi wait! Do you have any idea where Yoru might be?" I called. She slowed down.

"No, not really. But if we look everywhere she has to be somewhere!" She gradually got slower and slower, until her "will power" had completely worn off and she was running just as fast as she usually does. 

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