Chapter 3

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As clichéd as it sounds, time seemed to pause when the girl looked up at Yoona and she felt her face burning up for some reason. A queasy feeling started to form in her tummy and she felt her pulse accelerate.

Yoona seemed to have lost any and all ability to think coherent thoughts. She attempted to open her mouth to speak but nothing came out, not even the tiniest of squeaks. She must have blanked out for a few moments there because the next thing she knew, the girl was right in front of her, waving a hand in her face. Goodness, she looked even more flawless up close.

Perfect brows, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, and hair. Perfect everything… there was nearly too much perfection for Yoona to take in.

“Are you alright?” The girl spoke for the first time. Her voice was delicate, crisp, and clear.

“I’m… I’m fine.” Yoona managed, trying to catch her breath. What in the world was the matter with her?

“You’re adorable. Come have a seat.” The girl giggled before taking Yoona’s hand and leading her to the chair in front of the desk. The mere contact sent jolts through Yoona’s entire being and she quickly pulled away, plopping herself down onto the chair at once.

“So… Yoona, right?” The girl settled down opposite her.

“Huh?” Yoona was obviously still spacing out.

“Your name, silly.” Another giggle.

“Uh… yeah.” Yoona scratched the back of her neck in an awkward manner before staring down at her fingers. Did she actually forget her own name? Stupid.

“Mm… I heard you just moved in last night but you’re already leaving?” There was something about this girl’s voice that made Yoona feel as though she could listen to her speak all day long.

“I’m so sorry, Miss Jung, I--"

“Jessica.” The girl interrupted.

“Huh?” Yoona looked up at once.

“Jess, Jessi, Sica… take your pick. Anything but Miss Jung, please.” Jessica clarified.

“But don’t all your servants call you that?” Yoona questioned, trying not to sound rude.

“I know. My dad makes them. It’s annoying.” Jessica shrugged.

Okay, maybe she isn’t all that bad… wait what? No, Yoona! You’re supposed to leave tonight.” Yoona inwardly cursed herself for even harboring the thought of staying.

“I don’t wanna interfere but is there a reason why you’re leaving so soon? Perhaps it’s the color of the room? Many guests have mentioned that they had a problem with that. I'm looking at getting it repainted this weekend.” Jessica continued when she sensed that the still atmosphere was making Yoona uncomfortable.

“No, it’s not that… I just…” Yoona stopped short. Jessica was really nice but Yoona couldn’t help but think that it was just a front, like how all those bitches back in high school behaved. The sheer thought of it made her blood boil.

“Or maybe--"

“Do you really need to know the reason? Because I don’t think I’m in the mood to talk about it.” Yoona was surprised at her own hostile reaction. She expected Jessica to unleash her inner bitch there and then, and to start going on about how rude her tone was and stuff like that.

“I’m sorry.” Yoona felt a pang of guilt hit her when she heard the words from the other girl’s mouth. She knew full well that she herself, of all people, should be the one apologizing.

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