Chapter 12

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“Yoona…” Mrs. Park approached the girl, who was seated at the dining table, seemingly immersed in a pile of books.

“Yes?” The girl’s head shot up at once as she capped her pen.

“It’d do you some good if you took a break from those books… here, have some tea.” The older lady set a steaming hot mug of liquid in front of the girl.

“Thank you, Mrs. Park.” Yoona managed a quick smile before diverting her attention back to her books once again. After several seconds, she realized that Mrs. Park had not left.

“Is there something else?” Yoona looked up once more.

“Hmm… I’m just trying to understand the situation here so don’t get me wrong… did something happen between you and Miss Jung? I noticed the both of you didn’t leave home together this morning…” The lady wore an apprehensive expression as she spoke, afraid she might stir more trouble instead of helping.

“I don’t even know… I’m pretty flustered myself… things aren’t supposed to be like this. It was just a tiny matter but I think I blew it up. Maybe it’s all this stress from school, I don’t know.” The poor girl looked as though she was on the verge of tears and Mrs. Park regretted she even brought the matter up in the first place.

“Don’t worry, my dear girl. Things will be fine. It’s perfectly normal for two people to quarrel now and then.” Mrs. Park hurried back into the kitchen as soon as she finished her sentence, not wanting to rub it in.

Yoona sat in silence for a few moments, carefully contemplating the entire issue. Perhaps she had been a little too selfish, always thinking only about herself. Something in her told her she needed to clean up her own mess, and she decided upon apologizing to Jessica as soon as the girl got home.

It was a timely decision because as soon as she wrapped up her thoughts, the main door creaked open and Jessica stepped through it. Much to Yoona’s dismay, the girl didn’t look too happy.

“Why did you do that?” Jessica questioned as soon as she got her shoes off.

“Me?” Yoona gestured towards herself immediately.

“Do you know how upset she is over what you said?” Jessica made her way towards the table and set her bag down abruptly.

Yoona finally caught on after a few seconds. Of course. She wouldn’t expect to get away so easily after the confrontation with Taeyeon. Jessica’s sudden accusation aroused some sort of frustration in her, and the apology that was supposed to happen was unfortunately postponed.

“You’re siding with her now?” Yoona scoffed. She hated how she was getting all defensive and stuff but this was ridiculous. She really did not want another argument over some unimportant third party.

“I just want us to talk things out calmly. There’s no essence in being childish over this.”

“Okay, so now I’m childish? I very much want us to have a peaceful discussion as well but I can’t bring myself to do it when you already know which side you’re on. I’d lose anyway.” The taller girl slammed her pen onto the table and started to amass her materials.

“Yoona, I’m not taking sides. I just want a resolution. I don’t want us to keep fighting over this.” Jessica did her best to contain her indignation. Sometimes she felt as though she couldn’t get through to this girl at all because whatever she said would be turned against her. Furthermore, Yoona’s behavior was really beginning to tire her out.

“She told me she has feelings for you! She’s trying to get close to you! Doesn’t all this matter to you at all? Okay, maybe it doesn’t because you feel the same way. Maybe I’m the idiotic one trying to get between the both of you.” The girl stopped packing momentarily.

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