Chapter 13

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The bright rays of the morning sun gushed in through the windows of the apartment as Yoona stirred a little in her sleep, attempting to settle into a more comfortable position.

Noticing that she couldn’t move the better part of her body, she peeled open her eyes slightly and noticed that Jessica was curled up, sound asleep in her arms. She had not the slightest idea how but she had become the big spoon overnight.

Yoona ceased any and all movement at once, not wanting to disturb the girl’s rest. She lay back down and listened casually to each inhalation and exhalation, feeling the scarce rising and falling of Jessica’s abdomen beneath her arm.

As stealthily as she could manage, Yoona stretched out to caress the girl’s silky, brown hair, taking in a vague scent of strawberries. She had never got the opportunity to be in such close proximity with Jessica before. She could get used to the aroma. A pleasant sense of peacefulness seemed to encompass her there and then. Everything was still and silent. There was absolutely nothing and nobody that could bother the both of them.

It was as though a huge weight had been lifted off Yoona’s chest as she recalled the conversation she had with Jessica the previous night. Knowing that the girl knew everything, well at least the most crucial parts, of her past made Yoona feel rested and at ease. Knowing that Jessica never judged her but only loved her more, induced a deeper feeling of comfort in her. Yoona never felt more contented.

Getting lost in her thoughts, Yoona took little heed of time and it was only when the alarm from her cellphone was being set off that she remembered she had to work that day. The feeling of peacefulness was gone all of a sudden when she felt Jessica jump a little at the unexpected noise.

“Ah! I’m sorry!” The taller girl hurriedly sat up, dug into the pocket of her brocade shorts, and speedily switched the rackety alarm off.

Jessica looked evidently confused as she sat up and rubbed her eyes wearily. She looked like a little puppy that had just gotten out of bed and Yoona couldn’t hold her smile back.

“Sorry I had to wake you…” Yoona followed up with a hug.

“Good morning.” The smaller girl returned the affection.

“Did you sleep well?” Yoona stretched out to tuck a few strands of hair behind the girl’s right ear.

“Never slept better.” Jessica found her way back into Yoona’s arms and cuddled as close to her as she could.

“Good to know…” Yoona rested her chin lightly on the girl’s head with a small smile.

“Do you have to go to work today?” Jessica asked as she leaned upon the taller girl’s chest, fascinated by the faint pounding sounds.

“Unfortunately, yeah… in fact, I gotta get dressed now…” Yoona dreaded bursting their little bubble of happiness but she had no choice. Jessica’s expression grew a little grim at her words.

“Oh, Yoongie…” Oh no. It was that compelling, adorable voice again. And the girl sat up just to showcase her signature pout as she punctuated her sentence. Yoona was surprised at how quickly she was melting.

“Sica-yah… I’m gonna be late if I don’t start preparing now…” The girl tried to look away.

“But it’s such a lovely Saturday morning…” Her lover persisted. Ugh, that voice.

As Yoona was busy deciding whether or not she should ditch work altogether that day, Jessica had closed in on her, and gently kissed the corner of her mouth. Their bodies were pressed together snuggly, and Yoona found herself shuddering at the sudden contact.

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