Chapter 4

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“Good morning, Miss Jung.” The same servant greeted with a cheerful expression and set a dish with scrambled eggs and sausages onto the table.

“Thank you, Mrs. Park… has Yoona left already?” Jessica picked up her cup of tea and took a small sip.

“Yes, she has. She left about half an hour ago, to be exact. Wouldn’t allow the chauffeur to drive her. Intriguing young lady she is.” Mrs. Park beamed at the thought of the adorable little girl.

“Mhm…” Jessica set her cup down absentmindedly.

“What’s wrong, Miss?” Mrs. Park asked.

“It’s just that I don’t think we ended on a very good note… do you think I was too nosey last night when I badgered her for a reason pertaining to her leaving?” Jessica queried, putting her elbows onto the table and propping her head up with her hands.

“Knowing you, I don’t think you were trying to be a busybody… perhaps you were being overly concerned. And maybe Yoona felt a little overwhelmed by that.” Mrs. Park tried to be helpful by analyzing the situation.

“So… it was my fault, wasn’t it?” Jessica pulled a pout.

“Darling, don’t be so hard on yourself. Showing care and concern for somebody isn’t a crime.” Mrs. Park grinned and gave the girl’s shoulder a small squeeze.

“Regardless… I drove her away, Mrs. Park…” Jessica was apparently upset.

“Correct me if I’m wrong but have you perhaps taken a liking towards the girl?” The older woman teased and Jessica’s eyes widened at her comment.

“What? No! I just… she seems like the really innocent type… and I believe there’s something much more beneath that stone-cold appearance…” Jessica rationalized.

“So you do like her…” The joking continued and Jessica made a face.

“Do you think it’s possible to leave the room vacant for the time being? Just in case…” Jessica suggested.

“In case of what, Miss?” Mrs. Park intentionally asked although she knew exactly what the younger girl meant.

“I don’t know… just… you know… in case.” Jessica fiddled with her fingers.

“If that’s what you want, it shall be done.” Mrs. Park nodded, not wanting to add to the girl’s vexation.

“Ah, you know what, forget it. It doesn’t matter anyways… don’t think I’ll ever see her again…” Jessica shrugged and took a bite out of her sausages.

“Just leave things to fate, my dear. Things work out better that way. They always do. Now, finish up and it’s off to college with you.” Mrs. Park finished wiping the table with a rag before making her way into the kitchen.

“Oh, Mrs. Park, would you please inform Mr. Kang that we’ll need to pick Sooyoungie up on the way to school today?” Jessica casually inquired as she attempted to finish up her breakfast speedily.

“She’s going to be late again, huh? I know it’s not for me to say, Miss, but sometimes I really think you shouldn’t mix around with her so much. If you would allow me to say, she seems like bad influence.” Mrs. Park replied from the kitchen.

“Aw, don’t say that… she’s been my best friend since forever. I know she has her shortcomings. But doesn’t everyone?” Jessica responded through a mouthful of egg.

“You really are one of a kind, Miss. Alright. I’ll let Mr. Kang know.” Mrs. Park exited the kitchen and made her way outside where the chauffeur was waiting.

어쩜 좋아 (Oh, Great!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant