Chapter 6

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After blanking out for a few moments, Yoona did something she never actually thought she would’ve done. She pulled her apron off, dashed over to the counter to have it deposited, and headed straight for the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Sooyoung’s annoying voice stopped her.

“None of your business.” Yoona curtly answered before bolting out through the door.

Yoona looked around for a while and finally caught sight of Jessica, who was attempting to cross the street, completely oblivious to a motorcycle that was speeding towards her.

Naturally, Yoona sped over and grabbed the shorter girl by the wrist, timely pulling her back as the bike noisily rustled past them.

“Yah! Are you okay? Don’t you have eyes? You could’ve been knocked down!” Yoona found herself reprimanding the other girl. Jessica, who was obviously in shock because of the near accident and Yoona’s sudden change in attitude, could only stand still as she let the situation sink in.

“I…” Jessica tried to speak but she just wasn’t able to formulate a coherent sentence.

“You should just be careful!” Yoona filled in the blanks.

“Yes…” Jessica mumbled. She could still feel Yoona’s fingers wrapped tightly around her wrist. The girl must be really worried. But why?

“What made you so mad you had to leave?” Yoona continued, her voice still anxious and cross.

At that, Jessica looked up to meet the taller girl’s intense gaze. “She was clearly making you feel uncomfortable!”

“So what? I’m used to such things already! You just put your life in jeopardy for a nobody. It’s not worth it.” Yoona argued heatedly.

“It’s my own life! Why’re you getting worked up over it? You obviously don’t give that big a hoot about me because every single time I tried to talk to you, you just hurried off as if you couldn’t stand me!” The shorter girl retorted.

It was a little amusing to see the two bantering back and forth. It was, after all, one of the longest conversations they both were having.

“I never said I couldn’t stand you! You shouldn’t jump to conclusions so quickly because it’s not fair!” Yoona snapped back, further tightening her grasp on Jessica’s wrist.

It was only when Jessica pulled back with a disdainful expression and an “ouch” that Yoona realized she had hurt the other girl.

“Gosh, I’m sorry!” Yoona released her clutch at once, noticing that faint red marks had formed on Jessica’s wrist.

“Pretty strong hands you have there.” Jessica commented while examining the redness.

“Sorry… should I get you some ointment for that?” Yoona scratched the back of her head clumsily, not knowing what else to say.

It seemed as though the storm was over.

“I’m fine.” Jessica brushed it off.

“So uh, are you gonna go back or what? You left your drink there.” Yoona muttered. She was back to her meek, insecure self once again.

At the mention of returning, Jessica recalled how Yoona had left her apartment so suddenly in the beginning.

“If it’s not too invasive a question, where are you living now?” Jessica conveniently ignored the girl’s previous question.

“Some guesthouse. Why?” Yoona answered obediently.

“So you have no intention whatsoever of ever moving back into my apartment?” Jessica continued.

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