Chapter 10

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A cheerful Jessica stood patiently by the school gate, waiting for Yoona’s class to end. She smiled endearingly upon a couple that just walked out of school hand-in-hand, playfully nudging each other as they did. She glanced at her watch again and noticed it was five minutes to two. Yoona should be done any time now.

“Why, hello there!” Jessica swerved round at the voice and was greeted by Taeyeon.

“Hey, Taeyeon. Good to see you!” A smile played across Jessica’s lips as she returned the salutation.

“Waiting for someone?” The petite girl asked.

“Yeah… she should be out any minute…” Jessica replied, throwing her watch another brief look.

“I’m assuming it’s Yoona?” Taeyeon’s face seemed to fall a little at the mentioning of the girl.

“Uh huh. We’re going for ice-cream.” Jessica responded with a happy expression.

“Oh…” Taeyeon nodded distractedly.

“Where are you heading?” Jessica cocked her head to the side questioningly.

“Ah? Me? Same old boring home, I guess. My friends never ever wanna hangout… all they care about is studying, books, and grades… I can’t even remember the last time I had a good time.” Taeyeon made a wry face.

“Really? Mm, would you wanna come along with us then?” Jessica couldn’t help but feel sorry for the girl.

“Huh? Are you serious? Would Yoona be alright with that?” The girl sounded more excited than worried.

“It’ll be fine! Don’t worry. Besides, it’s time I returned the favor. I have yet to thank you for consoling me and taking me home the other day.” Jessica flashed her pearly whites adorably.

“Don’t mention it. Well, I guess I’ll tag along if it’s okay.” Taeyeon was quick to accept the request.

As the two were busily chatting away about school and other random issues, Yoona finally met up with them.

“Hey Sica…” She stopped short at the sight of Taeyeon. She had started seeing the girl in a negative light ever since the day she sent Jessica home all wrapped up in that jacket of hers.

“Yoongie!” Jessica almost pounced onto the taller girl, pulling her in for a tight hug. It had been less than a day but she missed her already.

“Hi Yoona.” Taeyeon merely waved.

“Hey.” Yoona faked a quick smile as she hugged Jessica back firmly.

“How was class?” Jessica linked arms with Yoona at once and cuddled closer to her.

“Mm, good.” Yoona barely nodded. She was still waiting for an explanation as to why Taeyeon was there playing gooseberry.

“You look tired. Let’s go enjoy ourselves, okay? By the way, Taeyeon will be joining us. Her friends kinda abandoned her so I thought it’d be nice for her to come along. Is Yoongie agreeable?” Jessica puffed her cheeks out in a cute manner.

“Ah… yeah, that’s fine.” Yoona forced a tight-lipped smile as the three headed off towards the subway station. As much as she wanted to disagree, this trip was meant to cheer Jessica up. Yoona didn’t want to do anything to spoil the girl’s mood. Besides, all that aegyo made it virtually impossible for anybody to say no.


“Vanilla’s good too! You should try it! Here!” Taeyeon reached out, bringing her spoon to Jessica’s lips as the girl quickly devoured the small portion of ice-cream.

어쩜 좋아 (Oh, Great!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon