Chapter 9

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Jessica’s eyes widened at Yoona’s sudden reaction but she soon eased into the kiss as her hands clutched at Yoona’s coat, pulling the taller girl closer. Yoona willingly slumped forward to close the distance between them as the kiss got slightly rougher.

A mixture of intimidation and excitement filled Yoona. There she was kissing Jessica Jung. And the girl of her dreams was kissing her right back. She was pretty sure Jessica wasn’t mad at her anymore.

“Yoona, have you… oh gosh!” The two pulled away when a familiar voice called out. A surprised Mrs. Park stood at the doorway, jaw slightly ajar. Impeccable timing. A pink-faced Jessica readjusted her hair awkwardly and cleared her throat while Yoona actively stuffed both hands into the pockets of her coat.

“Why don’t the both of you come inside? It is getting pretty chilly…” Mrs. Park suggested before hurrying back into the house.

“Shall we?” Yoona offered her arm expectantly and Jessica nodded quietly before latching onto the taller girl.

Once inside, Mrs. Park placed two tall glasses of warm water onto the dining table as the two girls silently settled down opposite each other.

“I’m certain you girls have some talking to do… I’ll be in the shower.” At least she had the decency to allow the duo some privacy.

As soon as the older woman was gone, the pair reached out for the glasses – at the same time. Jessica recanted at the physical contact and promptly sunk back into her chair. She could go thirsty, no problem.

But of course Yoona wouldn’t allow that to happen. She carefully pushed one of the glasses until it was in front of Jessica before grabbing her own. She didn’t exactly need the water. But anything to help get her mind off the tingling on her lips caused by the passionate lip-lock earlier on was good.

Yoona briefly licked her lips before smoothly downing half the glass. She casually looked up and noticed that Jessica was fiddling with the glass in her hands. It was as if the girl was anticipating some sort of conversation. Of course she was. One does not simply kiss another and let the matter slide.

“I…” Yoona started as Jessica’s curious orbs shot up to meet apprehensive ones.

“I’m sorry.”

“What?” Jessica’s grip on the glass tightened at the apology and disbelief was written all over her face. Was that really all she had to say?

“I said I’m sorry.” Yoona repeated naively, taking Jessica’s words literally.

“What exactly are you regretting?” Jessica grasped the glass even more forcefully, threatening to crush it to smithereens.

“Everything.” Yoona plainly shrugged.

“Very informative. Thank you. Goodnight, Yoona.” Jessica cast the glass aside offhandedly and stood up, all ready to disappear into her room.

“I mean it, Jessica. I’m sorry for being such a useless coward who’s too afraid to express her emotions. I’m sorry for causing you to be upset. I’m sorry for being such an insecure jerk who’s completely in love with you.” Yoona managed in one breath before Jessica could take a step.

“Why do you keep saying things like that about yourself?”

“Because it’s true. Even up till now, I’m still unable to see myself as worthy enough, Jessica. I don’t deserve somebody like you. I don’t even have the confidence to assure you that I’ll give you happiness. But yet I can’t control these stupid feelings going on in my heart. I always thought I was the most uninteresting, unresponsive person… until I met you. Things changed. Nobody was ever there for me. Nobody ever cared about how I felt. Somehow that changed when you came along…”

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