Chapter 11

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School hours flew by that day for Yoona because she was completely looking forward to spending some quality time with Jessica. She almost flew out through the doors of the lecture theatre to scour for one of the quietest corners of the school where Taeyeon wouldn’t find them.

When she finally located a spot, she smiled smugly to herself before settling down and sending Jessica a text of reminder. The latter soon joined her and a good two hours glided by, with Yoona pouring questions and Jessica answering them to the best of her ability. Yoona was pretty satisfied that there were minimal disturbances and the like.

“Aish, I’m so tired…” Yoona rested her head onto the table. It was so tempting to just doze off there and then.

“Yah, Im Yoona, we’re barely through. Try to keep up.” Jessica was exceptionally strict when it came to studying. She was a total bookworm.

“Aww, come on… we’ve been at this for two hours. I’m going crazy.” Yoona simply refused to get up.

“You’ll be going even crazier when you flunk those tests of yours. Come, sit up.” Jessica pulled the girl up by the shoulders but Yoona lazily leaned against her.

“Oh, you…” Jessica shook her head hopelessly, doing her best to support the girl’s weight. Yoona only wrapped her arms tightly around Jessica’s waist, hugging her close like a bolster.

“Yah…” Jessica started as Yoona nuzzled her neck.

Although Jessica was lightly eager to return the affection, the better part of her did not want to risk Yoona failing her quizzes.

Yoona, on the other hand, couldn’t really care less about the forthcoming tests. She decided that she needed to start showing the girl how much she loved her.

“Sica-yah…” Yoona propped her head up with the shorter girl’s shoulder and looked at her with puppy-dog eyes.

“Don’t give me that now, Im Yoona. We’re not taking a break and that’s final.” Jessica devoted her attention back to the book in front of her, struggling to ignore the girl.

“I’m not asking for a break… I just want to tell you that I love you. Very much.” Yoona continued. She felt her own hair stand at those words because she had never said something like that to anybody before.

Her statement stunned Jessica slightly. It was the first time Yoona had said those three words.

“I love you too.” Jessica turned to her right to look into the girl’s eyes.

With that, Yoona instinctively lifted her head to press her lips against the girl’s gently. To her surprise, Jessica kissed her back with a bit more force and she took it as permission to deepen the kiss. Yoona’s breath froze and her heart pounded so fast in her chest that she felt she might just collapse from the intensity of the moment.

A sudden vibration from Jessica’s phone on the table startled the two as they hurriedly separated. Yoona mentally cussed the bad timing of the blasted text as Jessica picked her phone up and started to text back.

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