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June 1st ( that night )

I turn my phone off, tossing it on the bed. I was not going to let him ruin my birthday, I mean who calls their daughter asking for 1 grand instead of saying happy birthday? I rub my eyes and walk out of the room, the living room was crowded with people and smelled like pot. Music was loud and the people were louder, I walk past Two-bit and Bree making out and laugh.
"Happy birthday grace!" A lot of drunk teenagers yell to me, I smile and walk over to soda who is smiling widely at me.
I automatically blush and take the drink out of his hand.
"Will you take care of me tonight?" I ask taking a sip of the drink, the alcohol burns my throat and I laugh. He smirks and replies "of course I will". He pulls me to his chest and kisses me, my heart beats harder and he laughs again.
"You never fail to make me blush, Sodapop Curtis" I say.
"You never fail to make me happy, Grace Sanders" he replies.
I take his hand and we walk through the party to find Elena and Dally. We walk past to find Johnny leaning into Jack Anderson's ear, and him blushing hard. I never knew they were that close.
"Hey loser!" Elena calls, she's sitting on our counter putting her hair into a pony tail.
"Having fun?" Dally asks laughing at elena's attempt of a messy bun.
"Of course I am" I say giving dally a hug. Before I pull away he whispers in my ear,
"Happy one year" and starts laughing. I laugh too, we were both obviously drunk and I knew he meant it as a joke.
"Shhh. It's a secret" I reply snickering, getting weird looks from Elena. She comes over and gives me a big hug and then hugs soda.
"Dally, can you come with me really quick?" Soda asks, they both walk outside and leave me and Elena together.
She looks at me and shrugs, and we walk out towards the living room. I sit on the couch, and next to me is a high double D Kelly and ponyboy making out.
"Happy 17!" Kelly says happily,
"Does Darry know where you are?"  I ask pony, he laughs in reply and goes back to Kelly and her double D's.
Soda and Dally walk back inside and go towards the kitchen. All of a sudden I feel really bad. I run upstairs past steve and some girl he was trying to hook up with. I run to my room, and see two-bit and Bree making out on my bed.
"Ignore me I'm getting my phone" I say, still feeling pretty sick. I grab it and turn it on. Maybe it was the booze that was making me feel really guilty, but for some reason I really had to call my dad. I walk downstairs and outside, so no one would notice.
My phone clicks on and I dial his number. Drunk and not thinking correctly, I call him. On the 5th ring he answers.
"Hello?" He says in his raspy voice. He's probably more drunk than I am.
"It's my birthday" I say angrily.
"Not like you care anyway, but it is. And you didn't call me for it so I thought I would call you."
He pauses and I hang up, regretting my choice to call him. I shove my phone in my pocket and walk inside. I wipe the tears from my eyes and walk to the couch next to Steve.
"You okay?" Steve asks.
"No. Pass me a blunt" I reply. He laughs and hands me one.
I take a long drag and stare at the ceiling.
Happy fucking birthday to me.

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