The Letter

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This week is the annual ball for Hogwarts students. Harry is dating Ginny and Hermione and Ron are dating too .But they haven't asked them to the ball yet. One day Ginny and Hermione were sitting in the common room talking about Luna Lovegood's dress for the ball. "Yes, it was blue and pink" Ginny said. "Well she is pretty confident in her looks" Hermione said. "Yeah but they're cute"Ginny said. "Who is she going with" Ginny asked. "Neville Longbottom" Hermione replied. "Wow" Ginny said shocked. "What?" Hermione asked. "Well I just thought she didn't like him like that" Ginny said. "Well, I think there just going as friends, but might leave as soulmates" Hermione said giggling. The girls giggled and talked about other dresses they had seen that they'd wanted. Then suddenly they heard a great big thud. "Did you hear that!" Ginny said. "Yeah, wonder what it was" Hermione said. They slowly crept up to the door and opened it slowly. They walked out to see Harry laying on the ground hurt. "HARRY!!!" Ginny screamed. "HERMIONE HIS HEAD IS GUSHING BLOOD WHAT DO I DO?!" She screamed. "Put your jacket under it" Hermione said. "Okay that's good" Ginny said calmly. "Ginny, before I die I want to ask you a question" Harry said. "No you're not going die" Ginny said. He pointed down the hallway where Ron jumped out with a sign that read "Will you go to the ball with me because I'm falling for you". Harry then sat up and pulled out a corsage and got on one knee. "So will you?" Harry asked. "OF COURSE" Ginny squealed. "So you're fine?" She asked. "Yes!" Harry said laughing. "Good" Ginny said punching him. "You scared the crap out of me!" she yelled. "Hey hey hey, it was good though" Harry said. "Yeah" Ginny said laughing. Harry kissed Ginny and told her he loves her. "Well, I have something super special planned for us so we should get going" Harry said. "Okay, well I'll talk to you guys later" Ginny said waving. "They are adorable" Hermione said. "Yeah I guess" Ron said. "Its just because she's you're sister, if she wasn't you'd think they were cute" Hermione said. "So when does my handsome date ask me" Hermione said. "I don't know you should go ask him" Ron said laughing. "You're right I should" Hermione said. "WAIT, it's me right" Ron said. "Well if you ask me soon, then yeah" she said giggling. Ron then ran down the hall to look up ideas on how to ask a girl to a ball.

"Harry, where are we going" Ginny said as they walked into the woods. "Somewhere romantic" Harry replied. He walked her through the trees until they reached a table with candles and steak and macrons, set on the table. "Oh wow!" Ginny said. "This is amazing". "Thanks I tried" Harry said. They finished their dinner and headed to the lake where Harry had prepared chocolate covered strawberries and sparkling cider. "I know it's not wine but I couldn't buy that" Harry said laughing. "I don't mind as long as you're here" Ginny said. They then finished their moonlight desert and headed back to the castle. Everyone was still walking around so Harry and Ginny just passed and walked into the common room to see Ron looking very stressed. "Are you okay Ron?" Ginny asked. "Yeah I just can't think of a way to ask Hermione to the dance" Ron said. "Why don't you lay out rose petals leading to a beautifully lit spot and have leave a letter that reads *if you're reading this come to the Gryffindor common room to see your surprise* and then ask her. "Ginny said. "Wow thanks Ginny" Ron said. "You liked my way too though right?" Harry asked. "Yeah it was cute in a terrifying way" she said reassuring him. Ginny and Harry headed up to bed while Ron wrote his letter to Hermione.

"Ron, have you been up all night?" Hermione asked. "No" Ron said falling asleep. "Well you have obviously" she said laughing. Hermione brought Ron a blanket and tucked him in. Ron woke up at about 12:30. He was very upset because he still had to run and get rose petals. He left the clothes he had on and ran out the door.

"Ms. Granger" Professor Mcgonagall called. "Here!"Hermione said. "Potter"she called. "Here" Harry said. "Weasley" she said. "Hermione was quick to raise her hand. "He was up all night writing something and is resting" She said. "Okay but if he doesn't come tomorrow he will be counted" Professor Mcgonagall said. There was a whole lesson on Transfiguration. Hermione had been taking notes on everything so that she could give Ron the things he missed. "I wonder what they have at lunch" said Harry. "I hope they have chicken, I'm craving chicken" Ginny said. "Well I'll meet up with you guys I'm going to go check on Ron" Hermione said. "Okay see you later" Harry said.

Ron couldn't find rose bushes or roses anywhere so he changed his mind at the last second. "Ron, are you here?" Hermione asked. She saw a letter that read "If your name is Hermione Granger this letter is for you" Hermione read. "I think that you're great and I'm lucky to see you everyday, and if you weren't with me I might die" as Hermione read this she laughed. " You're not just great you're smart, beautiful and encouraging, so if you'd like to, please come into the boys dormitory" Hermione read the rest and set the letter down on the coffee table. She walked slowly towards the dormitory, and there she saw the author of her letter. "What why did you ask me to the dance?!"

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