Go With Me

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"Yes, and I think that it's great to know you and I would love to go with you" Cedric said. "You don't go here anymore Cedric" Hermione said. "I know but I asked Dumbledore and he said he was fine with it and that i could join HufflePuff again, now I just hope all that work didn't go to waste" He said. As they were talking Ron ran upstairs to go and get his tux on before Hermione got there. He reached the top of the steps and heard voices and stopped. "Really Cedric, i really appreciate this but I'm with Ron, the note was beautiful and you're great but if I could go with you I'd have to ask Ron" Hermione said. "I'll ask him, i just want one night with you Hermione, and it doesn't even have to be a date" Cedric replied. Ron was very upset. He then heard Hermione say "Fine, but you have to tell Ron". "Okay" said Cedric. Ron heard the door break and dashed downstairs and hid underneath the table by the fire place. "I just dont want Ron to be unhappy" Hermione said. "Has he even asked you?" Cedric asked. "No" Hermione said starting to tear up. "I know that you think you have to love him but you don't" Cedric said. "I just Ron to be happy" Hermione said. "Well if you ever agree with me, I'm here waiting" Cedric said. "But the dance isn't a date it's just a friends night,right?" Hermione asked. "Yes, but maybe at the end you'll realize something" Cedric said as he walked out. Hermione then walked upstairs to grab her books for potions class. So Ron ran to the door hoping Hermione wouldn't see him. He opened the portrait hole and closed it as if he entered into the common room. "Harry?, Ginny?, Hermion?, are you guys here?" Ron said as if he didn't know who was there. "I am, but I have to go" said Hermione. "Also I have to talk about something after classes" she said running out the door. "Love you" Ron said. "I Love you too" said Hermione. Ron was very upset with Cedric but even more with Hermione because she didn't tell him immediately.

Later that night Hermione got the courage to tell Ron. "Hey, Ron can we talk?" Hermione asked. "Oh no, are we breaking up" Ron said sounding suspicious. "No, it's about the ball" Hermione said. "Oh about the ball" Ron said. He reached into his pocket to pull it his wand and a feather. "I wanted to remember my best memory with you" Ron said. "Wingardium Leviosa" he said. The feather flew high and he said " Hermione, you've taught me all that I know and you keep me on my toes with new knowledge you learn everyday. "Wow, this is your favorite memory" She said. "Yeah, I'm a better wizard and boyfriend because of you, plus it's when I saved you" he replied. "Has Cedric talked to you lately" she asked. "No, why?" Ron asked. "Nothing, I'll think about it Ron but I have to get to something important" Hermione said. "Okay, love you" He said. "Love you too" she said as she kissed his lips. Hermione ran to the HufflePuff dormitories and asked if she could see Cedric. The portrait replied "Cedric isn't here he went for a walk along the lake". "Okay thank you" Hermione said.

She ran to the lake where she saw Cedric gazing at the brightly lit moon. "Cedric, can we speak?" Hermione asked. "Yeah definitely" Cedric said with a smile on his face. "Did you tell Ron yet because he just asked me to the ball" she said. "No I haven't but maybe we should do it now" he suggested. "Okay but now" she said. They ran up to the Gryffindor common room. "Ron, follow me" Hermione demanded. "What's he here for?" Ron asked. She led them to the girls dormitory. "Ron, i should've told you this when it happened, Cedric asked me to the ball already" she said. "What, Cedric this is my girlfriend" Ron said clutching his fists. "Look I meant no harm she didn't have a date and I really like Hermione" Cedric said. "Ron i already agreed I'd go with him" she said. "Oh, like a date or something" he said. "No just friends" Cedric said. "What happened to Cho" Ron asked. "She isn't happy with me" he replied. "Oh" Ron said. AS he said this he brought his clutched fist up to his shoulder and...

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