Safe Haven

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After last night my head was pounding, I decided to skip breakfast and go to the library. I grabbed all my things and sat down in the corner. The library was warm, but also very cold. I looked around the empty library, the loud silence. It was loud! As if someone was yelling in my ear.

 I stare into the long rows of shelves as kids walked in. Wind brushed passed my ear as a large figure sat at my table. I kept my eyes fixated down the long aisles of shelves. "Hermione?" I heard. The sound of his voice traveled into my ear, I stayed silent. 

"Look, I know you don't want to talk to him right now, but you left me for him! And, hell Hermione, if you're going to leave me then you should try and make amends!!" Ron shouted. I looked over at a flustered, red faced Ron. "Look, he was ridiculous for talking to Viktor that way, but if you think about it, it was because he loved you so much he didn't want to lose you" Ron said. "Well, if he loved me he'd let me have friends! No matter if they're boys or girls" I said standing up, my paper gripped in my hands. "Well, it's not like you're any better" Ron said standing and crossing his arms.

"I'm sorry" I scoffed. "Yeah, I heard you, Ginny, and Luna downstairs that morning. I cannot believe that you would do that, especially after you fought for him!" Ron said. "Well, you've heard so much, did you hear the part where they were telling me that he could just be using me!" I said. "yes, and truly, I disagree. Look, I am one of the people who dislike Cedric the most and honestly don't believe he would cheat on someone" He said. I loosened my shoulders and my grip on the paper.

"Maybe your right, have you seen him around anywhere?" I asked. "Yeah, he was just in the Great Hall, he might be somewhere else by now though" Ron said. "Okay, thanks a lot Ron" I said engulfing him in a hug. "You're welcome, I'll always help you" He said placing his head on my shoulder. "Well, better go find Diggory" He said pulling away. 

"Right, I'll talk to you later" I said grabbing my things. I ran down to the Great Hall and found it to be empty. I ran to the Hufflepuff common room, he wasn't there either. I walked down every corridor and couldn't find him. I asked every professor, student, and ghost and couldn't find him. 

No one had seen him, I started to worry, maybe he was avoiding me. I quickened my pace and ran outside, the last place I hadn't checked. I ran across the lake and through the shrubs, but he wasn't there either. I finally sat down near the lake. I started to remember things, like when he would check on me, or when he took me to the tree. The Tree! 

I quickly stood up and ran into the forest. The faster I ran the darker it got, but all fear escaped me as I could feel I was close to my safe haven. I ran a bit farther before slowing down to catch my breath. From a distance I could see the lights beaming from the bottom of the small door. I shuffled to the door and heard a quiet sniffle. 

I heard the sniffles stop as I knocked on the door. The person behind the door waited for a minute before hesitantly opening the door. I opened the door expecting to see my person, filled with guilt and anxiety the door creaked. The door was fully open when I looked up to see two people.

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