The Dress

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"Its perfect Luna!!" I said holding the beautiful dress. The dress was a small red lacy dress. I jumped up and down and ran and hugged Luna. "Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!! Oh my god I'm so excited!!!" I said. 


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It was a few weeks after Ron and Cedric had gotten into a disagreement.

Cedric and I stayed away from any and all of the Weasley children when we're together. We snuck around all of the halls in classrooms, dormitories. But we made sure Ron was never there. I looked at Cedric's face to see that his nose looked better than before. "How do you feel?" I asked him as we walked by the lake. "Better than before but I believe my nose has healed back up" he said smiling.

"Yes, and it looks better than ever" I said giggling. We continued to walk and talk round the lake when Cedric came to a stop. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Umm, well I was just thinking maybe you should just go with Ron, I mean he is your boyfriend" he said rubbing his neck. "No.. he's not my boyfriend, and why would I want to go with a child who can't deal with something as simple as two friends going to a ball" I said.

"Yes, but you love him and I know he loves you" he said. "I'm going to be honest with you right now. Rons a great guy I just never liked Ron, I was in the heat of the moment so it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I just wasted both of our time" I said looking at my feet. "How?" He asked rubbing my back. "It's just he could've found a girl that truly loves him by now and I was so scared that I didn't finish it!" I said frustrated at myself. "At least you have it a chance right?" He said.

"Yeah, I guess but I still feel awfully terrible" I said closing my eyes. "Well, follow me, maybe you'll feel better" he said holding out his hand and smiling widely. I grabbed his hand and he lead me toward a forest. we kept walking until we reached a tree with a large hole in the bottom. He opened the hole in the tree and in the tree sat a dimly lit table with one candle sat in the middle, two black glasses and fairy lights strung around the walls. 

 He pulled out the chair for me and gestured for me to sit, I sat down and he followed suit. He bent over the chair and grabbed two platters. The platter had fresh fruit sat on it and strawberries dipped in chocolate. I grabbed for a few strawberries and placed them on the plate sat in front of me. I started to shove the food in my mouth when I heard quiet chuckles. 

I looked up to see Cedric chuckling like crazy. "What?" I said covering my mouth. "Nothing, are you hungry?" He asked. "Yeah, just a little" I mumbled. He giggled and leaned over the chair again and passed a plate of (F/F). 

"I love (F/F)! How did you know" I said shoving the food in my mouth. "Lucky Guess!" He smiled. After we ate we went outside and laid on the grass for awhile until evening came and Cedric walked me back to the dormitories. "Thank you for tonight" I said. "No problem love. I'll see you later" He said walking off. 

I walked in to see Ron pacing in the common room. I quietly closed the door and tiptoed over to the stairs. As I walked Ron was pacing the other direction. Until I had stepped on a creaky step and Ron's head snapped towards my direction.  "Oh, Hello Hermione, Where were you?" He said. 

"Just out, look I'm really tired, I'll talk to you in the morning" I said. "Okay, and Hermione" Ron said. "yes?" I said facing him. "Im sorry about punching Cedric, and if he's what you want then you should be with him, thats all, goodnight" He said heading to his room. "Of course, goodnight Ron, and thanks for being cool about this" I said. "Of course, as long as you're happy" He said walking upstairs. I fell asleep finally complete and whole with myself and happier than I've ever been.

A/N: Sorry it took so long ran out of ideas, if you have any please message me so i can make the story better :D

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