prologe thing 《1》

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aphmau groaned as she woke up from her beauty sleep.

She stayed in bed for a few momments. Enjoying the silence as she reflects on her life.

She has done many things in her life. Most what a lot of people dream of.


But that was the past.

She has to moved on.

to relax.

For now, all she needed was to get up.

After her metal pep talk, she finally got out of bed.

she opens up her woredrobe and puts on her normal outfit. A dress that was well, purple along with a flower crown.

she walks down the stair to be greeted with the delicious smell of bacon.

"good morning aphmau" a elf says to her. she smiles, at least tries to. "good morning zoey" she sits down. zoey puts bacon and eggs on a plate before putting it in front of the raven haired girl, who suddenly looks more alive. the girl quickly devours the bacon. "thanks zoey. it's great!" she goes to eat the eggs. she puts her plate in the sink and left to do her rounds.

"hey kawaii~chan! how are you?" she says in her cheery voice. "kawaii~chan is doing great aphmau~senpai! kawaii~chan has made a cake does aphmau~senpai want to try it?" aphmau nods, and kawaii~chan steps aside so the girl could get in. "what flavor?" she asks. "it's a secret!~" kawaii~chan says in a ...kawaii way. aph smiles. kawaii~chan puts a plate in front of her. grabbing the fork, aph digs in. "mmm, is it peach?" she asks. "aphmau~senpai is correct! how does aphmau~senpai like kawaii~chan's peach cake?" she looks at aph for a answer. "i love it!" she squeals. "alright i have to go check on everyone else! bye kawaii~chan!" the meif'wa waved a good-bye, and the girl left, a smile plastered on her face.

as soon as she knew no one was looking, she dropped the smile.

she looked emotionless.

well she pretty much was.

she always was.

by now, the smiles were so common that she didn't even have to try to fake them.

"hello my love!~" she faced the person talking. a smile dawning her face. "what's up laurence?" she asks. "what? am i not allowed to see the love of my life every now and then?" aphmau looks around. "last i checked, the there isn't a table here" she joked as laurence rolled his eyes. "well i got to go do the rest of my rounds, see ya later!" she said walking to the next house. "bye" he called after her.

she was about to knock on the door when brian came "lord aphmau! there's someone at the gates! come NOW!" she ran to the gates, brian following behind her.

once they made it, the girl was almost face to face with zane ro'mave. but not only him. next to him was the lord of scaleswind. "zane" she said through gritted teeth. he laughed but didn't say anything. the lord spoke. "where is my daughter!" he yelled. aphmau gave him a confused look. "daughter?" he growled in response. "nicole von Rosenberg" he gives her a death glare. "n-nicole? nicole is your daughter?" she was shocked. "i'll go get her" she run in the direction of her house.

"NICOLE!" she knocks. no answer. "nicole?!?!" she tries again. still no answer. "nicole!" she barges in. she honestly didn't want to barge in but she need to find nicole. what she found was, not nicole. nicole's house was not in the best shape. but she didn't care at the moment. she ran around the village, looking for the red head. But she was no where to be found. She returned to the gate, worried for her village. "I can't find her" she says simply. "She's not in her house, she's not at the plaza, she's not here" the lord gives her a glare. "Lies!" He shouted. "If my daughter isn't back in 5 days, I will not hesitate to search your village myself! I will tear down your village if I have to!" He turns and walks away.

aphmau groaned in annoyance.

Being lord of a village isn't as easy at you may think, but she was experienced in leading humans.

Even when zanes exist.

"Get everyone someplace safe. We'll need messengers to deliver the news to the villages in the phenoix Alliance. We'll also need a search party for nicole" the guards nodded and ran off.

Aphmau let out a sigh.

War. Just another thing add to her list of worries.

Of course she's been through war before, but she was less powerful this time.

Well, its more, she's-powerful-but-cant-show-it-so-no-one-knows-who-she-is.

Pbcsisnokwsi for short.

It's not short but shorter.

Everything with aph is short.

Even aph.

aph was always short.

In every group of friends she was ever in.

Even though she was always the oldest.

It's probably just the side affect to being immortal at a young age.

But even before then, she was short.

Short aside, she needed to prepare for this war.

A war where she couldn't use majick or magic.

A war where the strongest weapon she had was a Dimond sword.

A war where she hoped she didn't have to use her majicks or magic.

A war where she'll would have to use them, but only a little.

Emmalyn and Kemmer were assigned the task of finding nicole.

Fun right?


Nicole could be anywhere.

There could be a chance nicole isn't in phenoix drop at all.

Nicole could be dead.

Her father could become inpatient and attack earlier then planned.

All that plus the weight of war makes this so difficult.

So much could go wrong,

In Such little time,

For this little army.

Such little hope,

Yet hope, is all they can do.

how do you guys like this new book? I don't think anyone has done anything this before and I'm pretty excited to write it! You'll get what I mean if you read story more. Sorry that it's so short. I'll try to make sure each chapter is at least 1000 words long. Welp, baa my little senpai's!

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