war 《2》

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People screaming.

Swords clashing.

Fire burning.

Buildings falling.

Men yelling.

Theses are the sounds of war.

What's worse, would be actually seeing it.

And worse than that, is being in it,

And losing.

phoenix drop had a small army compared to scaleswind and o'kaisis.

Even with the help of the villages in the phoenix Alliance it was small.

The whole village was destroyed.

The plaza was on fire.

Houses were torn down.

It's astonishing how many ways your house could be torn down.

The wall was the first thing to come down.

The rest happened in a blink.

Majick users tried hard fend of soldiers.

Everyone else that could was fighting.

Aphmau was using any majick she could without revealing Anything.

Everything was happening so fast.

But one was certain, this needed to stop now.

aphmau ran.

She ran to the statue of Lady irene.

No, she was not praying.

She was getting a birds eye view of the village.


The one thing she was looking for.

The one thing that will end this war.

The lord of scaleswind was in a burning plaza.

She raced down, making sure not to fall.

"STOP!" She yelled in an attempt to make something happen. The lord turned towards her. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!" He screams throwing his sword at her. She s swiftly blocks it. "WE DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS! PLZ STOP THIS SO CAN LOOK TOGETHER! " she yells over the sounds of war.


Another sword was blocked.


a scream was heard in the distance.

"WHY WOULD I WANT TO KILL YOU!?!?" She blocked an attack.

"BECAUSE YOU KIDNAPPED MY DAUGHTER!" footsteps were heard behind them. They both turn around.

Standing there was nicole.

"STOP!" She yelled causing everyone to look.

"NICOLE! YOUR SAFE! OMI I WAS SO WORRIED!" Her dad tried to give her a hug. She pushes him off and punches him. "WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK APHMAU KIDNAPPED ME! SHE IS THE MOST CARING PERSON I KNOW!" You could almost see the anger raving from her. "Nicole I-" he was cut short. "ZANE DID THIS! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW YOU EVEN THOUGHT OF TRUSTING HIM!" Everyone flinched at the volume of her voice.

"Zane?" His voice was quite.

As if he was contemplating the stupidity of himself.

Witch would be useless, No one will ever understand his stupidity.

A cackle, if you even call it that, came from the north direction.


I typed by that.

And no,

I did not break the 4th wall, this is 3rd person people! Return to the story!

Everyone turned to the high priest himself.

"Awe, it be seems you Found me out" he smirk, but of course no saw it. "Time for plan b" everyone gave him a confused look. "What is 'plan b'?" Aphmau asked Not really expecting an answer. he laughed. "I have required an army and will attack again in 2 da-" before he could finish his sentence, he was rudely interrupted by the lord.

And it was stupid as well!

He said "you couldn't even get help from a village to attack phoenix drop"

1. He just got you to

2. There are some people in this world that would be more then happy to murder any village.

3. He has an army of his own


*lo on g mo mom en t o f Fa c e pa l m s*

"oh, im not getting a village to help me" he laughs. " I got the Shadow lord to assist me in battle, and he's fighting ad well!" Everyone gasped. Some even flinched. "So he got a physical form" the ravenette mumbled un-auditable. "see you in 2 days!" everyone gasped again.  

aphmau growled in anger as he left.

or should i say jess?

nether the less, this was bad.

if the shadow lord had a physical form... let's just say, prepare to die.

yep. he is that strong.

not even the phoenix alliance together could stop him.

"we need a powerful Allie to defeat him" garroth said. "we need the descendants of the divine" she shook her head. "not powerful enough" she said simply. 

"what's more powerful then that?!?!" Laurence asked in surprise. aph tried hard not to laugh. it was really amusing how stupid hoomons are. there are a lot of things that are more powerful then the 'descendants' of the divine. 

"the actual divine" she said keeping a strait face. they gasped. "how?! they died a long time ago!"

"actually they didn't" everyone turned to emmalyn. she smiled shyly. "they are immortal you know. well actually it's more like they can't die of natural causes. so there still alive. but how could we find them?" she trailed off.

"a boat. that is all we need. we can make it in time. but, we need to set sail as soon as possible" aphmau said looking off into the distance like any anime. "um, where are we going?" garroth asked. 

jess turned to face him and smiled. "to, an old friend of mine. that is all the help we need" she turned back around to watch the sunset. garroth shrugged and got to packing. 

"please still be there. i'm counting on you,..." the sun finally set. 

it has been a day of war.

a chapter of life.

the start of a trail of success and failure.

but what is not?

everything is all of this. some more then others.

but this will surely be a day to remeabler.
i mean remember.
sorry did i ruin the sentimental moment? 

  HOI!!!! hope you like the 2nd chapter. sorry i haven't been updating lately. i don't really have much to say. but i am deturamaned to stay up until i have updated every book almost. next chapters will have at least 1000 word. sorry this had about 934 in just the story. whelp baa my little senpai's~!  

a divine secret (mcd x skymedia x smd)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ