departure/ arivial《3》

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"are you ready yet!?!?"

the ravenette glared at her blue haired friend. 

"no" she said calmly and went back to packing.

but her friend was not having that. "OH COME ON!" she stomped over to aph. "YOU HAVE BEEN AT THIS FOR 2 HOURS!" aph sighed in defeat. 

"well i was packing like this for a reason. i am going to need all this but i guess i have to leave it" she slung her bags on her shoulder. "let's go" 

"FINALLY!" Katelyn cheered and left the room with the ravenette.

"so what was all that stuff?" the two walked out the door. "well, it was mostly food. some survival things. and maybe a FEW gadgets..." aph trailed off. 


"yea! gadgets" she giggled a little. "you'll never know when these thing will come in handy! especially with the people were about to see..." she smiled at the though of seeing them again. "my friends..." she mumbled.

"what type of people are we meeting?" Katelyn snapped aph out of her thoughts. "you'll have to see!" 

"wha-" Katelyn tried but they were already at the docks. 

"is everyone ready?" aph asked.

 everyone gave her a 'really' face.

"sorry!" she said.

She walked on to the ship.
Through out the deck.
Into the captain's courtiers.
She opened a door next to the wheel.

She walked down a hall.
Shortly after, she reached another door.
It lead her to a room filled with cots.

One for each person on board.

She could tell witch ones belonged to who.

The pair of cots with a green bag and a light blue bag was garroth and laurence's.
The next one had a dark blue bag and a red, almost black,  one was dante and aaron's.
The blue bags that were that shade in between garroth and dante's were katelyn's and the cot above was empty.
Lucinda also had a cot to herself.
Kemmer and emmalyn shared a pair of cots as well.

She plopped her bags next to katelyn's, and made the bed.
She still wasn't to trusting of katelyn but she helped her on the battle they just fought.

She soon came out and told everyone to depart.
Laurence and garroth pulled up the anchor, both trying to impress aphmau.

But she didn't notice them.

She was to busy in thought.

She was going to miss this.

All this peace and harmony.

All this trust.

It's such a shame it has to end.

It could have been better,

Everything could have been just fine.

But what fun would that be.

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Everyone was shouting. waves crashed apon the boat. It started to rock aggressively. Like the boat was being pushed and shoved towards a unknown direction.

But aph was just sit there. A small smile plastered on her face.

It took a moment for anyone to notice. 

"aph?" a hesitant voice asks, causing everyone to look in the direction of the conversation.

aph looked up still smiling. she was trying to hide how worried she was. "yes?"

" Are you not a all fazed by the sudden storm that just came?" Laurence asks. She shakes her head.

"This is not an ordinary storm" they all look at her like she was hoping to kill them all. "In fact, this storm is the only way to get to this place"

Aphter sharing a questioning glance, garroth finally speaks up. "Where are we going again?"

"A place"


"On earth"


"Where a certain storm can take you"


"On a island"

" Where?"

"Somewhere not on the map"

"Come on! Give us more than that" katelyn buts in. "I told you all it is a surprise" she answered.

"Uhh guys doesn't it look like the storm is getting more intense" laurence says being the only one who is not paying attention to the conversation.

"And the magic energy is rapidly increasing" lucinda says. Of course aph noticed it to,but keep quite.

"Well it appears were about to arrive at the island. Just a heads up ma-" she was cut off as the boat shifted violently jolting everyone to the side. Leaving them all knocked out.

The first thing you see when you wake up from a ship reck is sand. Then you will probably see a piece of your  ship laying in front of you.

But not for this crew. No, the whole ship was intact and laying in front of them.  " Ow!" Katelyn being the first to wake up groans.

Lucinda follows after her. "What happened?"

Soon one by one, they all wake up.

"I will never get over that" aphmau being the last one to wake up says.

"Wait, so you have done this before?" Dante speaks for the first time. 

"Well, yes. I met this person before I found phenoix drop, and they told me where to find them, so I tried it" she swiftly lies. "It's getting really late, we should find shelter" everyone nods.

Alright, we need to look in groups. Since there's 9 of us we'll get in groups of 3.  So emmalyn, Kemmer, and aaron you can search the west side. Laurence, garroth, and dante you can search the east side.  And me, katelyn, and lucinda will search the north side. Everyone got it?" They nodded. " Good now go! "

Wow I updated. Also,  SORRY FOR IGNORING ALL MY BOOKS! I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO UPDATED ON SECRET SHOULD BE KEEPT, RIGHT?  SO MUCH I IGNORED THIS!  Sorry I am trying to juggle all these books and yet i still want to make 2 more right now. Whelp, baa my little senpai's! ~

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