the divine《7》

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"here!" the voice of kemmer came from 2 different directions. "wait, who are you?" they both said again.

aph sighed. "can the real kemmer just come over here?" soon both kemmers come. by this time the storm is clearing up and everyone can at least see each other now.

"please. i know one of you is a rouge imp. we really need to go to town to and so we can pick up a friend to save our village"

"i'm the real one!"  they both say. aph just face palms, and takes off her bag. after a bit of searching aph pulls out some binoculars. "what is that going to do?"

"remember how i said i brought gadgets?" she presses a button as katelyn nods. "well this is one of them" she puts them over her eyes. "it allows me to see the difference between cold-blooded animals and warm-blooded animals. aka imps from humans." she grabs the hand of one of the kemmers "this is the real one. sorry imp. i hope you can find someone else to impersonate!" she waves and they continue towards the town.

"finally!"  dante, laurence, and garroth say. aph takes a look around. "i think it's this way" they follow her down one of the streets and aph can't help but to notice that travis looks extremely unconformable.

"you ok travis?" lucinda asks. "oh, yeah. it's nothing!" he fakes a smile. she returns a face of disbelief.  "we're here!" travis moves forward to avoid lucinda's questions.

aphmau was nervous. no not just because she kinda just found out he has a crush on her. it's because of her other friends finding out. shaking the nervousness out of her she knocks.

"coming!" his voice comes through the door. the door opens to reveal adam, looking just like he did, how many years ago?

his eyes lit up, and he opened his mouth to speak, but aph cut him off. "hi, my name is aphmau! i am the lord of phoenix drop. we've met once before. i was wondering if you would let us in? your adam, right?" adam wore a confused look, as to why his friend was acting weird.

"yes i am! come right in!" aph smiled, but he could tell it was fake. "thank you so much!" the group came in.

"do you mind if we talk in private?" she asks. he kindly nods and takes her upstairs. "jess? what even?" he asks.

"well. i kinda didn't tell my village that i am jess, and no i am no longer with the few." she said quietly so no one heard if they tried.

"why? if you don't mind me asking" she laughed a bit. "it's a loooong story"

"i have time" he said. "i kinda don't because i need your help, because, well, my village is kinda at war. with o'kasis. and him" she said nervously before continuing. adam's eyes widen. 

"he may have gotten a physical form. and it starts tomorrow"  his eyes widen even more. "we need the divine back" he smiled "that should be easy" 

for adam all he really needs to do is find their location and teleport them here. he pulls out a digital map. what? the divine needed have some sort of advancement in technology. especially with the fact that a-jess could travel at least 2 thousand years into the future. 

the first to appear was ross, eating a sandwich in a chair. then shelby. she was sleeping. then last but not least, max. he was sitting in a chair opposite of ross, and had a plate of mac and cheese.  "ummm where are we?"

shelby and ross nodded. even though they were only cousins you could see the similarities between the two. they both had the same red-ish hair, relatively same personality, and the same natural powers. 

"this is my house" adam spoke to max. "we need your help, more like i need your help" jess said. "it's nothing, too, big!" she said after seeing they're worried faces. "it's just a war against the shadow army!" their faces get even more worried. "also i kinda need you guys to call me aphmau instead" they looked confused but nodded anyways.

jess opens the door. "hey guys. were ready to head out. heh" she says nervously as she descends the stairs. "who are they?"  katelyn pointed to the 3 new guest.   "oh, they're just a few of adam's friends that will help us in the war" katelyn looks at them suspiciously as to how they got in.

"we must hold hands. for the teleportation to work" adam stated. aph, ross, shelby, and max grabbed on as soon as they could. the others were hesitant but grabbed on when they saw them start to go transparent.

for the group, it looked like the room around them was changing. soon, they were at the gates of phoenix drop. "wow" shelby gasps. "LORD APHMAU! YOUR BACK!" dale pulls up the gates.  

they enter. "first off, you guys can live in my house, for now. i just need to clear out a few things..." aph began to lead them to their house. "wait, aphmau?" garroth stopped her. "are you sure we can trust these people?" she looked at him confused. "of course. their my friends, and they have never let me down." they just stared at each other for a moment. "i guess their fine" though he couldn't help but wonder if something was, off, about these people. 

aph continued. they soon  arrived at her house. the doors swung open to reveal zoey prepping the table for dinner.  "aph your back!" aph waved momentarily before getting hugged to death. 

"who are they?"  she released and pointed to the 5 new guest. "uh, some people i knew before phoenix drop, anyways, there going to need a place to stay!" zoey quickly ran to the basement to get a  few beds ready. "oh and Malachi and  leven took refuge in mateli along with everyone else who couldn't fight!" she called up shortly after going down.

"who are malachi and leven?" ross asked. "oh they are my sweet children!" aphmau gleamed with something much more then pride. "WHAT!" they all yelled. "who is the father? how could you dare do this to my ship!" shelby frantically yelled questions. "adopted! they were adopted" aphmau yelled in response. 

"oh" they all said at different times that were close together. "i'm glad the children weren't in the house to hear that" aph plugged her ears. "ok, i cleared out enough space for you all to have room" zoey emerged. 

"shelby right?"  shelby nodded. "well you can sleep in my room while the boys can sleep here"  zoey offered after showing the extra room they had to the boys. "it's not the best, but it'll work" the room was small, but it wasn't as small as the room the boys got.

 "do you girls want to sleep in my room, so the boys can have more space?" jess asked from the top of the stairs. "sure" zoey told the boys and they all prepared for what will happen in the morning.

umm. hi. it's been a while. a long while. sorry. well what do you guys think will happen next? be prepared. it will be bloody. whelp, baa my little senpai's!~

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