theres his hat

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Well. There's his hat that we learned of last time!

I have a very serious announcement.

I nearly died today.

Like five mins ago.

I was talking to my friend and I decided to help her with her dark arts practising. So I looked up stuff. I went to message her on instagram. But the screen was all black and wouldn't work. Now let me remind you. This is at 12 at night. Its dark. And I'm just after researching demons and shite.

So I go to turn my phone off.

When it starts blaring music.

Really loudly.

My heart is still pounding oml. I'm dying.

But on a more weird note.

My cousin. (7) decided to make my other cousin (5) climb a van. Then Proceeded to try make her jump off it. Saying he'd do whatever she wanted if he did. She started crying. Then nanny went out. Hit him with he wooden spoon. Got her down

He then whispered to her. 'I'm going out on the road' she asked why and he said 'I want to kill myself'

Now. This isn't happy.
But I'm jot confused by this. Nor am I worried. He says this all the time to scare us. And no I'm not just refusing to accept maybe he's suicidal. He's not. Really he's not. He's not all right up there. Yah know?. This isn't meant to sound weird. But I'm serious. He's fine. And he's not seven actually. At the time he was five. He's now turning seven. I'm writing this like two years after writing this book

I feel like he's gonna be a kiddy feeler when he's older. I have reasons but would rather not put them in a book the hole world can see.



I'm officially madam noodle mage of the dark arts. At your service.

Even though I nearly shat myself a few minutes ago because of dark arts...

I need to find a pendant. Something I cherish that I can put around my neck.


I'll tell you guys next time. I've no idea Right now.

Now I'm trying to think of something I can tell yeeh that's happy.

I've for something stressful I'd like to get off my chest

Now a while ago. If you knew me. You would have heard me say. 'I don't want a boyfriend. I want to be forever alone. Be a crazy wolf lady or something. Or a Crazy book lady'

You see. Me and my bf. Let's name him jeff. Are more of an intense friendship as my best friend says. In other words. We just act like really good friends. Who sometimes hold hands. And go to each others house to watch movies.



I need a shite.

What a happy note. Well done bookie. Well done. Bravo.

Well that's all for today I guess. My minds not really working at the moment

rants!! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora