afventures and sand!

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Yo guys its bookie welcome back.

Obviously its bookie.. Who else would it be. Pfft. I'm not some random dude that's stole bookies phone at all..

No really I'm not. Its actually bookie.

Toady. With the cousin and her bf. We went climbing sand dunes. Well. Me and my cousin did. Mam came too. She got three steps up the dune. Sat down. And butt scooted back to teh ground. Me and my cousin however. Reached the top. Or well. I pulled her up. We did it hand in hand to make it easier. You think her being eighteen would mean she'd be the one pulling me up.

Then. I tumbled down it.

Sand in my eyes and my mouth and my ears and everywhere!. It was great fun though.

My cousin. Let's call her. Ray. Tumbled a little then stood up and ran down it. Resulting in her having too much momentum. Falling. And face planting the sand.

It was great fun.

We also went to Glencar waterfalls.

There was this Spinny thing that four people can go one. Me ray. Her boyfriend. we'll call him Arnold. And dad went on it. When dads on it. He spins it really fast.

There's a gap between the seat and the back rest. We were all hanging out of it.

It was great fun.

On the way home though. we had to pull over five times because ray was getting g sick from being so dizzy.

We went on it tons of times

Then I found someone on a mc server who's as much as an emo as me!.

Then. I found someone who wasn't a bit emo and ruined our emo reunion. By bringing rainbow houses and destroying our black and grey houses.

To say I was annoyed would be an understatement

It was on

Its awesome!.

That's all from bookie. Not the strange dude who totally didn't take bookies phone (it is really bookie I promise)

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