this saturday!?

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Okeydokey lemon on sqwowkey!

Hello everyone its bookie!

And I'm happy!!.

So. Today's Saturday but I'm telling you about the days I didn't update for ages.


This week was pretty boring. We spent ages cleaning the hole house. Moving beds into different rooms. Cleaning under beds. Sorting out wardrobes. Brushing floors and above all. Cleaning up  my ten month old brothers mess.

But its all for a good cause!

Because tonight. (Saturday) at eleven my  cousin from Spain is coming over.

Right now I'm at a friends.

My friend writers2017 and my other friend is here

Its so awkward.

But. On a happy note.

Playing catch by the train tracks is fun. Actually playing catch anywhere is fun when your crazy!

But when your friends lil sis gets stuck on a tack its actually really scary. Because you don't know if a trains gonna come any time soon and you don't know if she'll get out.

She did though.


Am I the only female who doesn't like romance?

And sappy shite?


That's all for today.

*drops microphone*

Bookie out!

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