Special Imagine

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Your POV

"Hey!" You heard someone yell as you walked down the street towards the park.

Turning around, you were faced with a sweaty looking Jc.

"Hey babes." You laughed at his appearance.

"Sup!" He popped.

"Nothing much. How come you're so sweaty?" You asked chuckling a bit.

"Umm.." he trailed off.

You motioned your hand for him to continue.

"Okay." He breathed. "Kian and I just filmed and I kinda had to run away."

"Enough said." You laugh.

"Jc!" Someone yelled, coming towards the two of you.

"You need to get back!" The boy yelled.

"Y/n, this is Bobby." Jc laughed.

"Y/n?!" Bobby yelled.

"Um, yeah?" You asked more than stated.

"Oh my god! Please, please, please come over tonight!" He exclaimed.

"We'll have a party and everything, bring whoever you want. Just please come." He tried to convince you.

"Sure?" You asked, yet again in a questioning tone.

"Great." He smiled smugly, pulling Jc away.

"Bye!" You giggled.

Obviously you were weirded out by someone you just met, begging you to go to his shared house with your other friends.

Yet, you were bored, so why not.


Pulling on your vans, (a/n I miss 2013) you walked out of your shared house with Gabbie, Liza, and Mykie.

The four of you drove to Jc, Bobby, Kian, Corey, and Franny's house.

Emerging from the car, you recognized David and Alex; David already with his camera out.

"Liza!" He yelled running towards her.

Gabbie and Liza followed David as you and Mykie linked arms, walking into the house.

Suddenly, you were pulled away from her into the kitchen.

Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion as you were faced with Bobby.

"What the-" you began but were cut off by him.

"Listen, as soon as I heard your name I realized who you were." He began.

"And I realized that you're the one Colby always talks about."

At this point you were even more confused.

How did Bobby know Colby?

"When I met David for the first time he was with Scotty, Todd, and Zayn. Me, Kian, and Jc went to see why David was acting so sketchy and found out Elton was doing a prank, and that's where I met Sam and Colby." He stopped to breath.

"Soooo, me, Sam, and Colby kept in touch and every damn day Colby is talking about you and your videos. I swear he's in love."

You were shocked.

Apparently, so was everyone at the party as you realized everyone was staring at you.

You and Colby made eye contact for what felt like hours before he turned and speed walked out of the house.

Your eyes widened, realized how embarrassed Colby must feel.

But he shouldn't...

See, you had strong feelings towards Colby for some time now; just never getting a chance to express them.

You did the only thing you knew how to do.

You ran.

Not away from him, but after him.

Once you finally reached the street, you saw Colby sitting a few houses down on the curb.

You steadied your breathing as you walked towards him.

Sitting next to him, you both didn't say a word.

It was a simple task to speak to him, being the kind person that he was; yet you had no courage to speak up in this moment.

"You don't need to be here, you know." Colby mumbled.

"Go enjoy the party." He continued.

"Colby," you sighed. "Do you really love me?"

He remained silent, not daring to look into your eyes.

"Colby, you don't need to be upset. You have nothing to be upset about."

"I have nothing to be upset about?" He raised his voice, finally looking into your eyes.

"I fucking love you! And I'm a joke to everyone in that house!" He shouted, his eyes watery.

You grabbed his hands tightly, forcing him to calm down.

"I love you too." You whispered.

Removing himself from your grasp, Colby cupped your face, kissing you passionately.

"I love you y/n y/l/n."

"I love you more Colby Brock."



This book just hit 30k reads! Thank you so much! I tried to incorporate as many social media personalities in this story as possible without going off topic. This was like a 30k read special. Thanks again!


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