I remembered

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I like this one way too much.

Pairing: Stiles and Derek

Hey Der,

In the event that you find yourself listening to this, well fuck. I guess I'm not around anymore huh?

I don't really know what to do here, I just -

Well I figured I might not be around for much longer, and I honestly wasn't sure if you could rap your little werewolf brain around the concept of reading a letter.

So, here I am, pouring my heart out over a fucking cassette tape, because your supreme wolfiness is still living in the 70's when people actually had these stupid things, just so that you'll maybe possibly listen to what I have to say.

And I, fuck I have alot to say.

And I know that this is an awful thing to do, because anything I say now doesn't really, matter, does it? So, with that in mind, feel free to take this goddamn tape out and just, I don't know, pretend you never heard it or something.

Because what I have to say...

Do you remember the first time we met, when Scott - the absolute idiot - went back for his inhaler, and you were just there? Do you remember that?

I remember my heart was beating so hard I half expected it to break through my ribs. I guess you probably thought it was fear or something when you heard it, but really it was -

I knew you, or at least I remembered you.

I remembered you and your mom watching our little league games and cheering Cora on, back when she played lacrosse too.

I could still see you with frosting dusting your lips when Laura came into the station with cupcakes. She brought them in as a way of getting to one of the deputies, but she still let me have as many as I wanted.

And, I remembered coming into the station to see my dad talking to you, with this, this completely broken look on his face, a vacant look in your eyes, right after the fire.

And remembering that, I looked at you and I just, ached a little.

And sure, I was terrified. Anyone who met you would be. But more than that I just, I couldn't get that image out of my head, kept waiting for that vacant stare to replace the hard edge to your eyes.

It did sometimes you know.

Not right away, but slowly, as we integrated ourselves into your life, you'd forget. Forget to guard the pain in your eyes when we were around, only for a minute or so, but it was enough.

I don't think Scott ever noticed, inspite of his newly enhanced senses, that you were still so broken. But I did.

I think I might have a thing for damsels in distress - not that you are one, or anything. I would never think that. I just -

Teen Wolf Oneshots   (I Take Requests)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon