Now go carefully, the stars are falling

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Credit to whoever did the amazing enhancements to make perseids look even more gorgeous than it already is.

Pairing: Stiles and Derek

"Why are we here again?" He looked around, taking in the uneven ground of the field, the ominous presence of the woods closing in around them.

"Don't get me wrong," He continued, "I appreciate the fact that you have the perfect little murder spot all picked out and ready, I just don't understand why I'm being brought here. Or, I hope I don't. I swear to god Derek, if you brought me here to murder me, I'm gonna be pissed." He turned around to see Derek rolling his eyes with an almost fond smile on his face, cheeks red from the recent drop in temperature.

"No Stiles, I didn't bring you here to kill you, although I'm really starting to reconsider that decision."

Stiles looked at him, affronted. "Wow. I cannot believe you. I am a joy to be around."

Derek just rolled his eyes again and beckoned Stiles forward, right into the middle of the clearing. Stiles decided not to inform him that this would indeed be the best place to perform a satanic ritual.

"Stiles, calm down. I just wanted to show you something."

"Oh? And what would that be, huh? Perhaps you want to show me what my blood looks like in shape of a pentagon? Or maybe you want me to look at the underside of a hammer, right before it bashes into my skull?"

Derek just looked at him, waiting until Stiles sighed and trudged towards him before pulling the other man down, arranging him onto the forest floor so that they were side by side, arms brushing in a way that made Stiles shiver, though if he were asked he'd blame it on the cold.

"Okay, okay. I'll behave, what did you want to show me?" He said, breath frosting in front of him.

Derek smiled at him before looking up, "That." He breathed, eyes still on the sky.

Stiles followed his gaze, and had to suck in a gasp at the sight in front of him.

His jaw dropped open, almost as wide as his eyes had to take in the sight.

"Derek it's...beautiful." The sky was lit up with stars and fire, the sunset not yet gone even as the sky was overwhelmed.

It was beautiful, this meeting of day and night, so clear and captivating.

"Just wait." He said, breath caught on a laugh even as his eyes glittered blue where they met Stiles'.

"Wait? What else is there to wait for, this is..." His voice trailed off, eyes caught on the sky as it once again demanded his focus.

For in the midst of the sun and stars, fell meteors. Bright, and quick, and captivating.

"Gorgeous." He exhaled, and it felt like an understatement.

Derek smiled, "I thought you'd appreciate it."

Stiles shook his head. Appreciate didn't even begin to describe what he was feeling as they watched the sky fall apart between the trees.

"How did you find this place?" He certainly never had, couldn't comprehend how he hadn't stumbled upon this near perfect circle at least once during his wanderings.

"Laura." He said simply, smile sad where it still graced his face.

Come on Laura, Laura, lane. Tell me where we're going!

Hush now little mouse, go carefully.

But why?

Because Der, can't you see? All the stars are falling.

"She'd drag me out every single year after the fire to this stupid clearing, just as the air was growing thin, and make me look at the stars." He said, that tragic smile firmly in place even as his eyes grew distant.

"I missed it, you know. More than anything.

That sounds awful really, that I missed the stars more than my mother's laugh, or father's cooking, but I did.

Even when she was still alive and we were together in New York, it wasn't right without our stars."

Somehow as Derek spoke, Stiles had moved closer. Maybe he had moved when Derek's voice had grown breathless with the effort speaking had begun to take, or when his voice croaked speaking of his mother's laugh.

It didn't matter, as now they lay with arms pressed together firmly and bodies brushing with every outward breath.

"What did you call them?" He asked, voice tensing in fear at the thought of breaking this rare moment.

Derek frowned, "What?"

Stiles rolled his eyes,"You're stars, you idiot. What was their name?"

"Oh, I think the meteors are called perseids, because they take place in the Perseus constellation."

"No Derek." He huffed, "What did you call them, you and Laura."

Derek paused at that, eyes wide, vulnerable, and confused when they flitted past his face.

"She only ever called them stars. Told me that they fell for us, to help us with our grief."

But why are they falling, when will they stop?

Little mouse can't you see it yet? Those stars are always falling.

"Did they?" He asked.

"Did they what?" His voice was cautious in his throat, Stiles knew, even if it came out sure and strong.

"Help you? Did they?"

"Sometimes, yeah. When she was there."

Stiles' breath caught once again, this time more in shock than exhilaration.

"Is that why you brought me here?" He ventured, voice as small as his heartbeat was fast.

Derek looked him straight in the eye, no longer even slightly concerned with the beauty sitting in the corner of his gaze.

"Yes, Stiles." He took a deep breath in, calming whatever had forced him to look so earnest, and forcing it to the back of his mind. "I know what it's like, losing a parent. Losing them both. And this place, right here? This is where I came when I was ready to start healing again.

And I just thought, maybe, you could start healing here too." That intense look was back in his eye by the time he finished, but Stiles found he didn't mind.

"Tell me more about her, about Laura."

Derek's eyes flashed blue once more, now focused solely on the hand that Stiles had taken in his own.

"Come on big guy, fill the silence. I can't take it." He really couldn't.

Couldn't handle all that space to think about his dad, and Derek. Couldn't stand to think about how Derek knew just what to do, or what it meant that his eyes had shown, that he'd lost his iron clad control.

Derek saw this, of course he did. And he knew from personal experience how much easier it would be for Stiles to talk once he had.

And so he spoke, talking about Laura, and Cora, and the Peter he once knew.

Talked right on through his mom and dad, straight back to Stiles, and the family he had lost, and it was good. It was easy.

They lay there, long after the sun had risen too high to see either stars or meteors, and smiled at the thought that maybe, they could heal together.

Come on Laura, Laura, lane. Watch as the stars start falling.

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