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Pairing:Stiles and Derek

"Dude, I can literally feel my balls curling into my body as we speak." Stiles whined, his phone clenched precariously between cheek and shoulder as he dug his hands further into one of the many boxes littering his new apartment, searching and searching for the gifts he had gotten.

"Stiles, I realize that you don't exactly exude social grace, but do you really think this is the right time to get into a conversation about your sex life?" He knew exactly which expression was currently gracing the other mans face, knew that it was all raised eyebrows and repressed laughter.

He rolled his eyes, "I know, I know. Scott and Allison are having a baby together, baby showers are important milestones that I absolutely have to reward them for passing, and today is not about me, nor my sex life."

"Well good, I'm glad you realize there are more important-"

Stiles interrupted, grin widening.

"Now, my lack of a sex life, that is an important topic of conversation any day of the week." Derek groaned at about the same time Stiles started chortling.

"Oh come on Der-bear, I haven't had sex in so long my dick is wilting. It's wilting Derek."

He made a huff that Stiles could only assume was accompanied by an eyeroll, another expression he had become extremely familiar with over the years.

"You and Jenny broke up over a month ago, don't you think you should be over this by now?" Stiles could faintly hear the sounds of Derek moving on the other end, the sounds of dishes clattering against each other loud enough for even his human ears to hear, while Stiles himself once again sighed, having come no closer to finding those goddamn gifts.

"That's exactly my point dammit! A month! I should have ladies champing at the bit to get a piece of this." He laughed, tried not to read too much into the fact that Derek didn't laugh along with him.

"Stiles." Derek said in response, tone annoyed in a way that made Stiles' breath come just a bit easier.

"Yeah, yeah sourwolf," Derek let out a laugh at that one, and Stiles couldn't help but smile. "Don't worry, I'm well aware of how limited my charms are, I'm just venting."

That made him let out another sound, and if Stiles didn't know better he'd swear it sounded wounded.

Derek spoke, hesitation on his tongue, "Your...charms are not limited Stiles."


The thing is, Stiles knows he's attractive.

Sure, he's not conceited enough to pretend that has always been the case, but he's also not about to pretend he doesn't see the way people sometimes look at him now, staring at him the way he always thought was saved for the Lydia Martin's and yes, the Derek Hale's, of the world.

So, he knows he's attractive. He also knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that he's attractive to Derek. He's known Derek for years now, has carefully mapped nearly every expression the man is capable of making. So yeah, he knows what it means when Derek looks at Stiles like, well, the way Derek sometimes looks at Stiles.

But alas, he also knows that doesn't mean anything. Stiles is the kind of guy who needs to be woo'd. He needs unconditional love, and trust, and everything else that people just naturally give in relationships and Derek...Derek isn't the kind of guy who can just do those things, or if he ever was then that was long before he and Stiles had met. And Stiles had known him for almost ten years.


"Stiles? Hello, are you even listening to me?" Stiles startled because no, obviously he hadn't been.

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