But aren't the flowers pretty here

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Short fic

I could faintly hear the sounds of screaming.

The words meant to be said however, those were lost to me. Every syllable a faint echo in my ears, disturbing the tranquility clear around me.

It didn't ruin the effect though, not truly. Really the wails only served to drive me deeper, further from the memories niggling at the edge of my conscious.

It was beautiful, wherever I was. The trees grew tall, and the flowers vibrant. The sun, where it peaked between the leaves was brilliant as it shone against the moss heavy trunks and overgrown grass.

I couldn't imagine why I'd been so afraid of this place, this place with laughter clear on the wind and the scent of love on every breath.


Why does the word invoke such sadness? I knew sadness had no place here, I was with my mother now, shouldnt that bring nothing but joy?

"Allison." Broken, that voice was broken.

Oh. So that's why, he's why.

"I can't take your pain."

Of course not, "that's because it doesn't hurt."

I couldn't here his reply, maybe there wasn't one.

Had he left me, now? The thought caused far to much pain, for someone I had hardly known and couldn't quite remember, though it didn't matter truly. That pain was fading now, had started to the moment it arrived.

In it's stead was that beautiful laughter, come once more.

I knew that laugh, throaty and passionate, who's was it?

Oh yes, it was my mother, of course it was. That was her laugh, and those were her tears, because all that existed was me and her, my mother and me.

Again, there was a flash of something, just out of the corner of my eye, a hint of tortured sound upon my ear, but what was it?

Let it be now Ali darling. Her words rung sweat and true, but her voice was in such clear discordance with the sound around me.

The melody upon the breeze had changed from joy to sorrow, the smell of love completely overwhelmed by that of salt, salt which I could taste as it fell in droplets upon my lips.

Oh but no! This wasn't right, this wasn't home.

I knew that, if only for a moment, and then it was once again slipping through my grasp.

I could chase it, this broken feeling. But then I'd lose the sound of laughter, lose my loving mother. I couldnt bear to lose her again.

That's right darling, of course you'll stay. Its not so bad, and besides, even you have to admit you love the flowers.


Why yes my love, they're oh so pretty here.

Yes, the flowers. Why was I so panicked, I have my mother and the laughter on the breeze, and I have the flowers, beautiful flowers the colour of lilacs in the spring, though they smelt to me like poison.

I could leave, but then I'd lose all that. And besides, the flowers were oh so pretty here. How could I possibly leave such pretty flowers.

No of course I couldn't. Where else would I go?

Nowhere. I couldn't leave my mother or her flowers, not when the world was made up of me and her, my mother and me.

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