Where do we go from here? (Is there a way we could get back to us)

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Follow up to Look at the Moon

He was too quiet now.

He knew not from any desire to speak, but because of the words others kept pointing his way.

His father's eyes were weary, and his breath sour where it hit Stiles' face, alcohol a near permanent stench emitted from his being. And yet, every time he saw Stiles, without fail, he would act as normal as he could for awhile, brain forgetting that there was no reprimand coming his way.

That his son would need to speak for that to be even a remote possibility.

Derek would bark orders at him late at night, needing information on some creature or another, and always he would stand there, mouth hanging open in blatant shock when Stiles would acquiesce without complaint or comment.

Even Jackson acted as though something were different, as though something was wrong now that he refused to throw back the barbed comments he had grown accustomed to.

But Scott? He walked around as though everything were perfectly normal, and Stiles had never talked at all. Or maybe it was less that he pretended Stiles had always been decidedly mute, and more that he behaved as though Stiles had never stopped talking.

He still chatted, and joked as he always had, and now refused to acknowledge the near flinch Stiles always gave when Scott brushed against him.

Stiles knew, subconsciously, that he was being ridiculous.

After all, it's not as though Scott had raped him, he was perfectly willing in all of it.

Hell, if anything, he had taken advantage of Scott. He knew that the moon was affecting his decisions, and allowed the nights transgressions to occur inspite of that knowledge.

It was him who should have stopped things, not the other way around.

Truly, he should just feel grateful that Scott was willing to be around him at all.

But again, these were all things he knew subconsciously, and no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't convince himself to speak.

He'd get nearly there, but then he'd hear those words, "shut up, I can't. You can't talk." He'd see those eyes, so filled with worry and self loathing the minute he dared to make a sound, and suddenly it wouldn't be quite so hard to keep quiet.


"You need to tell me what happened." Allison said.

Stiles was about to smile, shake his head as though everything was perfectly normal, but then he met her eyes.

Usually when people asked him this they were worried, their gaze shone with pity, but Allisons eyes held fire, anger.

She knew. Or, more importantly, Scott told her.

He opened his mouth, desperate to apologize, to beg for forgiveness.

Shut up.

His jaw snapped shut.

The fire in her eyes grew stronger, flamed by his refusal to speak.

"I mean it Stiles. The night of the full moon, did he-

Did Scott rape you." She stared at him intensely, that fire never waving.

He shook his head quickly.

It wasn't Scotts fault, it was his. Stiles knew this.

"That's not-" Shut up!

Allison paused, "Not what Stiles."

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