ch2: favor

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The bell rings, cutting my heated make out session short. I lick my lips and stare down at Katalia's red, panting face. Huh, she kinda looks like a fish. I never really noticed. We break apart ever so slightly.
"I'll see you later, Kathy?"
"Wouldn't miss it," she murmurs against my lips before sashaying away.

If you haven't realised yet, I'm Hiroto but you can call me Hiro. There's not much to say about me, but I guess you could say I'm above average. (In more ways than one) Honestly I'm just a simple guy. Although I do tend to "fuck around with girls" as Alex puts it. It isn't my fault, really. I just can't turn them away. Can you blame me?


After grabbing my books from my locker, I slowly head to class.
"YOOO HIRO! WAIT UP ASSHOLE!" Ben jogs next to me and slaps me on the back, hard.

RANK: Jack of Hearts

"Bro that hurts," I groaned.
"Grow a pair," he laughs. I roll my eyes and walk faster.

Easily matching pace with me, he leans in a little too close and whispers loudly " hOw'S yOuR GiRl KaTaLiA?" What's the point of whispering if your gonna be that loud bro.
"She's fine," I sigh. "I don't think I really like her anymore."
Ben stops in his tracks and grabs my arm. "You were literally making out three seconds ago."
I wriggle free of his sweaty grasp and glance away from his condescending gaze.
"Ye I know but I just don't like her. She's boring. "
Ben snorts. "You are such a fuck boy!"
"Shut up Ben!"


I enter the classroom and sit down at my usual seat with the rest of the Kings. My presence stirs giggles and stares from the Queens and laughs from my friends. Mindless chatter fills the once silent room. Flipping my chair around to face the Queens, I flash them a cute smile.
"What are you laughing about? You should be doing your work,"
I tease. Annalise returns my smirk.

NAME: Annalise Nguyen
RANK: Queen of Hearts

"Actually, I need a favour," she states flippantly. A favour?
"Go on," I reply curiously.
"Meet me at the food tech room during lunch break..." she winks before turning back to her friends and humming a familiar tune to herself. Satisfied, I turn back to my desk and do my work like the true Asian I am.
hey readers
There will most likly be only two perspectives in this story- Alexithymia's ( third person omniscient) and Hiro's (first person). Alex isnt actully a proper character but just a POV. although i could incoperate her later on.
So ye
Please dont forget to vote and comment !
alex out.

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