ch4: flour me like one of your french girls

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---10 mins before---

"Yo Kat, walk with me?"
Katalia skips up next to me and pops her gum too close to my face for my liking.
"Surre. Wherre arre we going?" She says while annoyingly drawing out the 'r's.
"Just to find Hiro. Mrs Tran said she wanted to talk to him about student council business. I texted him but that mofo ain't replying."
"Wow how interesting. *eyeroll* Where is he?"
"Food tech room."
Katalia sighs before grabbing my hand and leads me to the food tech room. I was going in the wrong directiom. Whoops.

---current time---

Katalia struts into the food tech room while loudly chewing her gum and looks around.
"Well, is he in there?" I asked impatiently as I lean against the wall .
"I can't tell it's too dark. Let me just find the light switch." She blindly grabs at the walls till I hear a slight click.
"Ahuh found it!"
*lights flicker on*


Why does she sound so pissed if he's there? I stand straight and poke my head into food tech room, only too see a half naked Hiro with his arms wrapped around a panting Annalise.

< Did I mention that Hiro was half naked? When I say half naked I mean like. HALF NAKED. As in. NO SHIRT. As in. SHIRTLESS. As in. HIS TANED BACK MUSCLES ARE ON FULL DISPLAY. I'm not ok. >

"What the actual fuck is going on. " Katalia hisses lowly. Her anger is quiet, like the calm before a storm. Yet her red eyes are ablaze with hostility and brimmed with tears as she takes slow, calculated steps towards Hiro.

Annalise seems to see where this is going as she hops off the counter top and wordlessly slips past me and out the room. Smart girl. Wish I could say the same about Hiro who is officially fucked.

"Baby I can explain-" Hiro tries to justify himself but gets cut off by a stinging slap against his (insert synonyms for perfect) face.

"Do not say anything you dirty fuck." Her voice is numb but steady as a single tear runs down her face. Hiro stands there, head hung low with a red mark across his cheek.

Katalia draws in a deep breath.
We wait.

One Mississippi.

Two Mississippi.

Three Mississippi.

"I heard the stories about you." She whispers. "I knew all about your playboy reputation. But still, I Liked you Hiro. Liked you more than you deserved." Katalia stares up to the ceiling, her voice finally wavering. "You were my first, but I guess that doesn't mean anything to you." She laughs without humor. "After all, you're nothing without your rank. Don't think for a minute that anybody would like you for anything but your status. "

Ouch. Harsh.

Hiro's head snaps up with annoyance. "Look-"

Katalia slams her fist on the table, finally snapping. Grabbing a nearby bag of flour, she rips it open and clumsily dumps its contents on Hiro's head. She watches as clumps of flour fall on his hair and down the front of his shirt.

Hiro freezes in shock.

"You. Are. Nothing." She spits out before pushing past me and fleeing the room.


"You didn't genuinely like her, right?" I lean against the door frame and offer a slight, encouraging smile.

"" Hiro runs his hand through his hair, the last of the noticeable flour falling from his head. His vacant eyes stare at me as if I wasn't actually there.
"Then why do you look so sad?"
His looks empty; face void of any shame, anger or heartache.

Shoving his hands in his pocket, Hiro walks past me and out the door.

He didn't answer my question.

hey readers
Short filler chap tdy cuz I did a long one last chapter. Oh and I don't edit my work properly so that's why there's so many spelling and grammar mistakes ^
Next chapter will b a slightly different chapter
Please don't forget to vote and comment :)
alex out.

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