ch10: bathroom hunt

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beep beep beep

An annoying alarm quietly beeps from my phone as the morning lights drift through the windows and struts me from my light sleep. Cracking open a tired eye, I reach over to the bed side table to grab my phone. My hand swats the air as I grope for anything but come out empty handed.

where is my phone?


where's my bed side table?!

Suddenly awake, I try to turn my body but a heavy weight rests on my stomach. Leo's muscled arms wrapped loosely around my waist triggers a flood of hazy memories from last night. I remember the bar, him taking me home and the insufferable heat. That explains why I'm naked. After that I recall a sloppy make out session but the throbbing of my head stops me from remembering anything that happens after.

im 100% straight. we didn't fuck.
... right?

Shaking my head and groaning slightly, I gently lift his hand off my body and place it on the bed. The musty mattress creaks as I sit up slowly and he mumbles groggily in his sleep. Panic rises in my throat as he stirs but it settles when he flips over to face the wall. Sighing, I slide my legs from under the duvet and onto the wooden floors. Standing up slowly, I tip toe across the room to the pile of clothes and throw it apart in search of my phone.

I finally find the phone vibrating under a white shirt. Quietly silencing the alarm, I pull the thin shirt over my head and grab the nearest pair of jeans which may or may not be mine.

fuck I needa take a piss.

Leo mumbles incoherently in bed as I silently creep out the room and close the door with a soft click behind me. Safely evacuating a dangerous situation, I begin on my hunt to find my way to the front door. And a bathroom along the way, of course. I sneak around his house incase somebody is home, but the first floor is generally silent besides the sound of my feet paddling against the cold, hardwood floor. I pass a dining room, a kitchen, a lounge area and two storage closets, but no bathroom.

Pictures are hung on the ivory walls of who I presume are his family. I notice a particular photo of a small boy about the age of four with Leo's smile. Next to him stands an older, dark haired girl with a hauntingly familiar scowl.


The ringing of my phone scares the literal shit out of me as I grab at it with sweaty hands.

incoming call from kol taylor...

Kol? Why the hell is he calling me so early in the morning...

Curious, I answer the call groggily. "What's up?"
"BRO WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Kol fumes across the line. I wrinkle my nose and rub my eyes as I answer.
"Huh? What do you mean."
"We had a compulsory before school student council meeting about the school festival, and as the student council president, you kinda had to be there!" I can literally hear Kol pacing on the other side of the line.
"Fuck that was today?" I groan.
"Ye, and Mrs Tran came by the meeting, saying she needed to see you as well. BUT YOU WERN'T THERE!!"
"Are you shitting me? Fuck. Sorry mate."
I hang up on Kol and continue to explore the house.

Finding the stair case, I scale them by two and search the second floor for a bathroom. I find a study room and an entertainment room, but no toilet.

Daym, this house is huge but where are all the fucking toilets.

Walking down the long hall, I find an unnaturally messy bedroom, the door wide open, seemingly with no floor because clothes cover literally every inch of space. Quickly exiting the room, I do a one eighty and am faced with a white door, opened slightly ajar with steam escaping it.

bingo. found the bath room.

I push open the door and step inside. Shower steam clogs the air and I breath in the now humid environment. A girl stands in front of the mirror with a toothbrush in her mouth. A dark green towel is wrapped around her head and she sports an oversized shirt and silky, pink boxer shorts that should never see the light of day.

did I fuck her too? Did Leo fuck her? Did she fuck us?!

"I fucking told you not to go in the bathroom while I'm in here." Her lethal glare melts the moment out eyes meet and curiosity fills her gaze. I stand there, stunned and slightly panicked at her sudden outburst.

"Oh, its you." The girl laughs slightly at my facial expression. Pulling the toothbrush out of her mouth, she spits the white foam into the sink and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. Turning her body towards me, she leans against the the bathroom counter and eyes me up and down.

"Hey stranger."

huh? What did she just say?

I take a closer look at the strange girl.



{author's notes}
hey readers
finally stuff might actually happen!
sooooo yeee
I'm tryna improve but there's so much stuff going on these days it's hard to find time to write.
But I hope you enjoyed this :)
please don't forget to comment and vote ^
alex out.

rank jokerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora