ch9: late nights

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I open my eyes and cringe at the sudden brightness while slowly sitting up.

Heh, where the hell am I?

The white walls are bare and the room smells dusty like it hasn't been used in a long time. The bed I'm sitting on lies against the wall with a small desk across from it and a couple cardboard boxes sit in the corner of the room. The white door creaks open and Leo leans against the door frame with a cup of water.

"Sorry did I wake you?"

"No, it's alright." My throat is hoarse and my head throbs. "Fuck what time it is and where the hell am I?"

"It's only 3 am. You passed out at the bar and I just brought you back to my place. I guess you're all sobered up now."

"Mhm, ye." I stand up from the bed but my knees are wobbling and the world suddenly tilts. Leo rushes to my side and steadies me.
"I guess I spoke too soon. " His voice is rough and throaty as he chuckles slightly.

"No, I'm fine," I mutter. "Thanks for your help but I better get home..."

ugh why is it so hot in here

"No can do. You look like you're about to pass out again." Leo sternly pushes me back onto the bed and wraps the quilts around my shoulders. "You can crash here for the night."

I wriggle out of the blankets and his grip. "I want to go homeee."
Leo sighs. "You're still drunk."

I can't think straight. Everything is so hot.

"You're so annoying." I clumsily pull my shirt over my head and start undoing my belt buckles. Leo grabs my hand. "What are you doing?" His gaze is feverish but he won't look me in the eye.

his stare is fucking sexy though. but no homo bro.

"It's hot so I'm taking my clothes off. What does it look like?" I roll my eyes at him.

Gah, my throat hurts.

"Water pleaseee." I flutter my eyelashes at him and pout.

Hehehe I'm pretttyyy.

He shoots me a creeped out glance before handing me the cup. With shaking hands, I barely manage to hold the handle and spill half the contents. "Whoopsies," I mumble and giggle.

Giggling is fun.

Leo sighs.
Taking the cup from my trembling hands, he takes a gulp of water.

"Hey that's mine-" Forcefully grabbing my chin, Leo angles my face upwards and smashes his lips on mine. He parts my chapped lips and water flows into my mouth.

What the fuck?

I clamp my mouth shut and shove him off the bed. Coughing, I sputter "Bro what the actual hell."

Leo shrugs. "You swallowed. "

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I use my sleeve and scrub my mouth aggressively. " Freaking homos."

Gah, I'm too drunk to even care that much...

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