ch8: intoxicated

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Leo orders a drink from the bar and I take the chance to openly stare at him.

He's tall - taller than me and I'm pretty tall. He moves with an easygoing swagger and dancer-like confidence. When he laughs, it's like time stops and everybody in the room is staring at him.

Leo shoots me a crooked smile and drums his fingers on the counter.

"So... where are you from?" His dark eyes are trained on me in a nervous yet almost sexy manor.

"Japan. Like my name suggests?"

"Oh ahah right." Leo looks like he wants to slap himself.

pft cute.


did I just think that?

I clear my throat as I shake my head. "So tell me about yourself."

"Well there's really not much to say. I just recently moved back into town to transfer into a new school."

"New school? So how old are you?"

"Sixteen years young." He declares proudly.

Laughing, I say "Why don't you shout that out a little louder? I mean it's not like you're sitting, underage, in a club or anything."

Embarrassed, Leo laughs quietly as he remembers his surroundings.

Is he blushing?


"Uhh I'm seventeen."

Leo nods in understanding.
"So any siblings?"

"I have a younger sister." I smile a bit as I mention her. "Although she's studying abroad right now."

It's been a while since I've talked to her. So much stuff happens lately I guess I just forget.

Leo clicks his tongue.
"You seem distracted." He comments.

"I've just got a lot on my mind." I sigh as I rub my temples.

Leo gives me a slight smile. "Penny for your thoughts?"

Chuckling half heartedly, I say "Well, it's a long story."

"We've got nothing but time." He offers me a shot glass. I pause for a moment before deciding that I officially give no fucks.

Tilting my head back, I down the glass, the bitter alcohol burning like fire and warming my chest. The world sharpens into blistering clarity before abruptly blurring altogether. It's like everything is in water colour - no harsh lines or defined edges. Just colour.

"So where was I?"

one hour and too many shots later

It's addictive. The cravings set like lead stones at the bottom of my stomach. It feels like I am underwater or like somebody stuffed too many wet towels in my head. Everything is enhanced and softened at the same time, like I'm stuck in a hot, unfocused haze.

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