ch:11 so did we fuck or nah

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Hiro stands awkwardly in the doorway of my bathroom with his head hung low. He's wearing no pants and Leo's shirt (which has a very questionable stain on the front might I add) - it is way too big on him so it reaches his mid thigh. Uncomfortable tension is thick in the air as Hiro clears his throat and avoids my judgmental gaze.

"You look nice," I snicker. He looks up at the mirror. His usually combed hair sticks up in strange angles and his shirt is falling off one shoulder, revealing a blotchy purple hickey. Hiro's bewildered eyes zone in on the stain on the shirt. Confused, he stares at it for two whole seconds before his mouth forms a shocked 'o' upon realising what the dried substance used to be. I purse my lips tightly together, holding in a mocking laugh as his face twists with disgust.

"Yo Ale- oh you're still here. I thought you ran out on me." Leo leans against the door frame while smiling a little too widely. "Nice shirt by the way. Even thought I'm pretty sure it's mine."

I roll my eyes as Leo notices the stain on the shirt. "Yup, definitely mine." Hiro looks like he's about to be sick. "Don't worry, I'll grab you some clothes." Pressing a chaste kiss on his forehead (you're welcome assholes), he walks out the room and the echo of his feet down the stairs can be heard. Hiro stares at me sheepishly as my jaw hits the ground.

"Wait, did Leo just kiss you." In all his sixteen years of life, I have never, and I mean never, seen my heartless, inconsiderate, annoying ass shit playboy of a brother kiss somebody in an almost innocently affectionate way. Willingly, of course.

Hiro stares at his feet. "Umm it's complicated?"

Understatement of the year. Hiro runs his hand through his hair and finally looks at me. "Did we uhhh do anything?" He looks nervous like he doesn't really want to know the answer to that question.

"Who? Me and you?" Amused, I scoff at his panicked expression.

"Umm ye. And Leo ... did the three of us do anything..?"

I choke on my spit. "What the actual fuck-"

"I'M BACK." Leo bounces into the room with a bundle of clothes. "Here, I just got you a jumper and some pants. The sizes should be about right." He grins at Hiro and hands him the clothes.

"Ah thanks." Hiro pulls the dirty shirt over his head and hands it to Leo who drops it because he's too busy drooling over Hiro.

Who the fuck is this guy and what did he do to my man slut of a brother? (but same bro same)

Hiro wraps his arms around his torso and rocks back and forth on his heels. "Um are you gonna give me the clothes or what?"

"O-oh right." Leo laughs sheepishly and hands Hiro the clothes. Grabbing them quickly, he pulls the jumper over his head. It's way too big on him and he practically drowns in the fabric.

Leo stares.

Like, stares.

Ok this is getting really creepy. I am officially grossed out.

Sighing, I pick up the dirty shirt off the floor and throw it in the hamper while Hiro puts the rest of his clothes on.

"Oh and to answer your questions, no we did not have a messed up threesome. "
Hiro sighs and relief.

"Wait why would you ask that?" Leo looks back and forth at Hiro and I.

"I can't really remember what happened last night. After the kiss, everything just went blank." Hiro mutters quietly as he eyes his hickey in the mirror. Leo pauses for a moment, as if the clogs in his head were moving. His mischievous eyes light up as they click in place.

"We fucked." He states simply.

Hiro frowns. "But she just said we didn't."

"No, not all of us, just me and you." Leo gestures to himself and Hiro.

"But I'm straight," Hiro insists.

*snort* "Straight? Right, keep telling yourself that. Just sayin', my gaydar doesn't lie." I laugh quietly as I finish drying off my hair. Hiro scrunches up his face in frustration. "Are you sure you didn't fuck her or something?" He looks hopeful at Leo.


Both of us start yelling at each other with utter disgust that only siblings could muster.

"Ok, ok chill. Why are you guys so freaked out." Hiro raises his hands in surrender.

"Cause you just implied the possibility of me fucking my older sister." Leo gags slightly as he spits out the absolutely repulsive sentence.

"Wait. What? YOU'RE RELATED?"

Hiro is shooketh.

"Isn't it obvious?" Leo rolls his eyes.

"What no? You look nothing alike!" Hiro gestures between me and my brother.

I shrug as I run a comb through my messy hair.
"So who topped?"

"I did of course." Leo shots a victorious smile at Hiro.

"No you didn't, because we didn't do anything." Hiro huffs unconvincingly, as if he was trying to convince himself rather than us.

"Ok fine, hypothetically, if you DID fuck, who would top?"

"Still me." Leo squishes Hiro's cheeks and smiles down at him. Rolling his eyes, Hiro tries to swats his hand away but Leo grabs his hand and squeezes it. He tugs on Hiro's hand, pulling him a step closer. Suddenly going shy, they both stare at their feet refusing to meet each others' eyes, even though they're an inch apart.

Omg. My inner fujoshi is screaming but at the same time it's my brother so please, kill me now.

"Uh cough cough ye still here guys."

Hiro's cheeks are dusted pink and Leo's lips are pursed from him trying not to smile. Rolling my eyes, I turn back towards the bathroom mirror.

"So like, can you get the fuck out?" I shoot them a sickeningly sweet smile before grabbing a hair tie.

"But I need to pee," Hiro whines.

"That sounds like a you problem."


"Out. Now."

Hanging his head, he scoots out the room while mumbling quiet profanities with Leo quickly following.

{author's notes}
hey readers
it's me
the author
soooo a little bit of a filler chap but ye
wonder what Leo's trying to do...
ahaha mk hope you liked
don't forget to vote and comment
alex out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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