Chapter 8

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A/N im back. Before i get into the story. i will say that all the stories i make will be updated every week.  All on the same day. But they will come out. Now to the story.

Y/n pov

I was walking back to the mansion when i had saw jane and someone that i now hated. She was with Lui kissing him. I was just watching them. i watched as they had a make-out session. i got tired of it. "Well looks like the bitch decided to become a slut too." I said deathly to jane. 

"Ugh what are u doing here?" she sounded annoyed

"Just here to see my supposed boyfriend. But i now see him Kissing this slut." I said walking away. Not even looking a bit sad. "Oh and lui we are done. Tell ur mental state that too." I walked back into the mansion.

"Ugh why does my life hate me so much?" I mumbled as ben walked into the living room. where i was. 

"Why u sad y/n?" he said sitting beside me setting up a random game. "Oh the normal. Finding out that my boyfriend is cheating on me." i mumbled. 

"Who?" he turned the game on, but pausing it. Looking at me. "You'll be shocked at who." she mumbled as a tear left her eye's. "Its ok. just tell me." he whipped my tears. "It was Lui. I found him with jane." i said with disgust. 

"Lui?!" he was shocked. "Yep, but we are done." i said standing up. "I hope ur better." he mumbled, looking a bit angered by something.

Ben's Pov

i walked to the living room and i heard Y/n say something. So i decided to ask her. While setting up my game. when y/n said who it was. I was angered that Lui had broke her heart. you could see in her eyes that she was sad, I dont want her to be sad. Ill make Lui pay, and Jane. They wont know what happened to them. I grabbed y/n's hand and looked her in the eye's.

"Wanna make Lui mad?" i said with a evil glint in my eye. 

"Sure. so what are we gonna do?" Y/n smirked evily

"We are gonna pretend to be together." i mumbled. Ok u caught me! I like Y/n but that is the best way i can ask her.

"O-ok."she blushed and started to stutter. I decided not to play my game and go look for lui and Jane. So i stood up and walked outside. Dragging y/n with me.

  Ok guys that is all for this chapter. Yeah i know i havent updated or been writing that much, but i will. Only thing is that the stories will all get updated in one day. so its each week teh stories get updated. That all Bye guys!!!  

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