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"Trinity what do you make of this?" Ana gives him the decoded message.

Trinity takes the time to read the message and reread it. "Damon has some information for you? He says it's life or death, what could he possibly have to tell you after a year?"

Ana thinks about it carefully. "He is closer to the source than we are. People are more likely to tell him things especially since he's been acting as scary as hell. They don't want to die and he will kill them." Ana looks up at Trinity, "I set up a meeting with him."

Trinity couldn't be more shocked if she said that she was going to start going naked everywhere. 

"We need to get going and break a few speed limits, I want to be there before him and he's much closer than we are."


"I have a traitor and it's someone in the men I trust. We can't give him time to let Spider know before I have time to get to my location." Ana says deliberately misunderstanding Trinity.

"Ana, you know what I mean and stop doing that. You're not stupid and I hate it when you act like you are." Trinity knows that he's walking on thin ice but he's tired of Ana's games when it comes to Damon.

"I need to see him. It would be better if I didn't, but I'm weak." Ana replies softly and tears fall.

Trinity holds her tight before ordering the men to load up and be ready to leave.

They've had drills just for this and it takes them less than ten minutes to be on the road. Ana refuses to tell anyone where they are going until they get close to the city.

Trinity can hardly even see the road and is glad that he's not the one having to drive the front vehicle. The branches scraping the car and windows makes him cringe. So much for the paint jobs. He shrugs to himself they aren't his vehicles.

Once they get to the spot Ana has them pull over and she looks at the ground intently. Finding what she's looking for Ana starts clearing the path that had overgrown since she'd last been there. Trinity now knowing what she's looking for helps her clear the way. Her men come up behind slowly carrying arms full of weapons.

Just as they reach a clearing with the sounds of water running nearby an alarm goes off on Ana's phone. She calls the men that she left at the warehouse and listens to their report before making another phone call.

  "Hello Damon, you followed the orders so far. You kept the numbers to the amount I've given you?"  Trinity surmises that the answer had been positive since Ana doesn't get upset.  Ana waits for a response and then continues, "There is every chance that Spider will have followed me here. I think I have a traitor among Hawk's men. If I do, when I find him he'll wish he was never born.

"Time to go, Damon. Bypass the warehouses completely, there is a little used dirt road at the end of this road. Take it and drive for about three miles. You'll see my cars there and that's where you will need to park. On the left side of the dirt road next to my cars there is a hiking trail. Take that for about a mile and you'll come to a picnic area. I'll be waiting. Make sure your men don't make any sudden moves, I'll be having my men watching and some of them know your reputation Damon. I must say, if this is how you were before I came into your life, no wonder your men didn't want me to leave before. I think you've been a bit harsh on your whore though. When are you going to let Jenny go home?"

They had found that information out from the hacker Ana found. He's a genius when it comes to hacking things. He even hacked into alarm clocks. They'd all seen the footage of how Damon is treating Jenny. Trinity actually kinda feels bad for her, if she hadn't intentionally hurt Ana he would feel a lot worse for her than he does.

"Don't worry, Damon, none of your men are betraying you. At this point in time they are more terrified of you then they are of me and I didn't think that was possible. What happened to you not liking being with females that can't say no?" This does startle Trinity, he hadn't known that about Damon and doesn't fit with how he's treating Jenny. 

 "We'll talk after your little hike. Make sure you bring water, it's going to be a long hot day and we have a lot to talk about." With that Ana hangs up.

Ana sends her men down for more water, the men have gone through half of what they brought up and she doesn't want them drinking the creek water. 

Trinity is staring at Ana. "What Trinity?"

"What game are you playing Ana?" Trinity demands.

"I just thought I'd take care of two birds with one stone. I have a traitor I need to deal with and Spider has to be dealt with as well. Damon wants to talk to me, I thought he could help me trap Spider and deal with my traitor."

"Are you really going to talk to him?" Trinity demands.

"I don't know yet. I'll let him speak, but actually talk to him? Trinity he hurt me and broke so many of his promises to me, I just don't know if I can handle talking to him again."

"But you want to." Trinity knows his boss. Ana still has nightmares and they aren't about Scott at all anymore.

"I want to, yes. Does that make me weak, Trinity?"

"I think it makes you human. You love him, Ana. No matter what he's done you love him. It's hard to kill true love you know that right? It can wither, but like hope it's hard to fully kill." Ana holds Trinity close as he hugs her. 

"How'd you get to be so smart?" Ana whispers.

"I have a really smart boss lady that has taught me a lot," Trinity smiles.

Ana freezes slightly before nodding. "He's almost here." With her words they all fade into the shadows.

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