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Trinity returns to work once the babies are born. A matched set. As promised Damon orders a DNA test done immediately, but they all could see who the biological father is.

Trinity doesn't expect to be going to Paris, not after what happened. So he settles down and makes plans for while they are away. He'll be in charge of all the groups.

 Calum has returned to duty and will be going with them. Jonah will also likely be going, although Trinity hopes not. Ever since the accident Jonah hasn't been doing to great. But either he or Jonah will be going, no one else is capable of dealing with things over there. They know how Ana likes things and wants them done. Ana will be too busy doing her plans to be able to supervise whoever is going.

Michael will be staying, he wants to go, but Ana needs someone she trusts here to make sure other things will be taken care of. She has already given Michael instructions as to what those things are and Trinity has no idea what they are. If he needs to know Ana will tell him.

Michael checks the nursery one last time. He'd had to make some changes, but he hopes that Ana will like it. He's thrilled that he now has a niece and a nephew in one go.

He thinks it appropriate that Ana's old room was made into a nursery. Better than having monitors to hear when the babies cry. Ana thought so too, that's why she chose her room over the room across the hall.

Michael sets down the gifts he has for them and goes downstairs to wait with Trinity. He doesn't know why, but he's suddenly nervous about everything. He was rather disappointed that Ana wants him to stay, but once she told him why, he didn't mind so much.

"Nervous Michael?" Trinity asks leaning casually against the stair banister.

"Yes, I know I saw them at the hospital, but they are my niece and nephew." Michael says fidgeting. "What if I screw things up? They'll hate me."

"Look at who their parents are. They are likely to hate them more. Damon is beyond overprotective and more than a touch psycho. Ana's sweet, but she has her own psychopathic tendencies. I don't see that changing now that they're parents. If anything they'll get even worse. Just be yourself and you'll be fine." As long as the children didn't inherit Damon's demons they will all be fine. The babies look just like him, the thought of two more like Demon Damon terrifies Trinity. If they turn out like their father he hopes he dies young.

Ana comes in just then carrying one of the babies with Damon right behind her carrying the other. Just like that all other thoughts end and celebrations begin.

"Trinity, you'll be going next month with us." Damon's words couldn't have startled Trinity more. It completely pulls him away from his thoughts on the report before him.

He looks at Damon non plussed, "I thought you were going to have me stay here?" Now he's really confused.

"You've proven that you've gotten your head back into the game and your father has requested to stay. He doesn't feel that he'll be able to do an adequate job over there although he feel certain that he'll be able to handle things here. Michael will be helping him and will be playing a far stronger role here than originally intended.

"I'm worried about his health and so is Ana. We'll be counting on you to do a lot over there." 

They are timing things so they will be able to take out the whole damn Martineau family. They are having some sort of family gathering next month and the gathering seems to be mandatory.

"I won't let you down, sir." Trinity says absently already revising his plans and making new ones.

"You haven't ever done so yet." Damon hesitates, "The test results are back and confirm that the babies are indeed mine."

"I figured as much when I saw them. They look like mini yous. I truly am happy for you and Ana. This is a far better outcome than any other you could have envisioned." Except it would have been better if they looked like Ana, but life is what it is.

"Damon, what was it like when you first saw Ana? What did you feel?"

"Why, are you going to go looking for a little girl to raise to be your wife? That's not a good way to get one. When I first saw Ana something inside me responded. Not sexually, but in some way I can't explain. The anger and darkness stepped back at her golden light." Damon smiles in reminiscence. 

"You are aware of what happened, why we were there and the results. When her father called her down I knew then that he was going to give her to my father to pay his debt and I knew my father was going to accept. But, my father didn't know that he wasn't going to touch her, she was mine from the moment I saw her.

"When her father made her strip I about killed him there and then. That Ana ended up killing him is poetic justice in my book. She rather thinks so as well.

"When I couldn't get to her because of the flames I was terrified I would lose her before I even had the chance to have her. 

"My father's death was far too easy for what he deserved.

"When I gave Ana the option to never see me again and go into foster care I was forcing myself to breathe. I wasn't going to force her into this life, but I needed her more than anyone could imagine. All that time, there was no sexual intention. 

"That didn't happen for several more years. I still maintain that although she is the best thing to ever happen to me, I am the worst that ever happened to her. And yes, I'm including Scott in that."

"I think you are the only one that could make Ana happy, Damon. 

"When are we leaving?" Trinity changes the subject. Would he ever meet a girl that would make him even take a second look? The good girls stay away from him and he's tired of the bad girls just wanting sex with him.

"One month. You'll be going on a cruise ship to England and then catch the Eurostar in London. That will take you directly to Paris. You'll have full directions to our hotel before we leave." Damon loses his smile and gets back to work, answering Trinity's question.

"Trinity, why'd you ask Damon about me?" Ana asks having come in and neither man had noticed. She goes over to Damon and gives him a kiss.

"Just curious what it's like to meet someone special, I guess." Trinity shrugs.

"Would you like to hear what I thought?"

"Yes," Trinity had wondered more than once but certain topics were off limits.

"I was afraid when I came into that room. My father was angry, I didn't know what I did so I forced myself to hurry even though it hurt. I saw my father and he was angry and I was afraid of the strange man standing across from him. Then I saw Damon and I was no longer afraid, I knew he wouldn't hurt me or let anyone else hurt me either. I don't know why, because I had never seen him before, I just knew. Calum didn't care one way or another. You know how long it took for him and I to actually get along.

"When I was trapped by the fire, I thought maybe I was wrong. I didn't know Damon's name at that point, but I thought that not even he could save me from the fire. I'm glad I was wrong about that. He did save me. You know the rest of the story."

Ana turns to Trinity, "You need a girlfriend and not just one night stands or strangers passing that you have now."

Trinity shrugs, "There aren't any girls I want to date. Fuck yes, but date, no."

Trinity gets up and excuses himself, he'll need to make arrangements if he's going to go sailing. Now what does one take on a cruise?

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