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Trinity gets a call from Damon before Martha returns. "There's been a change in plans, there's a traitor in our midst. We'll be meeting you in London. I'll send you the information as to where later. Have you had a chance to talk to whatsisname yet?" Damon is in a foul temper. Someone close is a traitor, he thought that they were all loyal.

"Yeah, he's just learned that the Martineau's aren't so wonderful. He has to decide where loyalties lie, with the family or with the girl he loves. Tough decision."

"He loves her, are you sure?" Damon asks thoughtfully.

"As sure as I was that you were in love with Ana or that Ana was in love with you. She loves him too, but is just as mule stubborn as him and won't admit it. She thinks that she had to get him drunk to sleep with her. It never crossed her mind that he got drunk so that he could betray the family by sleeping with her."

"Damn, their situation is just as messed up as mine was." Damon says holding back his laughter. 

"I have to go, Damon, I'll call you back tomorrow. I need to talk to my mother about something as well. How's Jonah doing?"

"Not to good. I'll let her tell you." They both hang up.

"You hear everything?" Trinity says not even turning around.

"I'm not sure. Are you saying that Gabriel loves me, as in he's in love with me?" Martha says coming up to Trinity.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying. You're in love with him too. You two are a pair of stubborn mules refusing to see the truth."

"Trinity," Martha's accent that is normally just barely there is now so heavy that Trinity has a hard time understanding her English. "He was in love with Yvette, not me. He can barely tolerate me. I can barely tolerate him."

"Bullshit Martha, open your eyes. You don't go batshit crazy over someone you barely tolerate no matter if you are their bodyguard. You don't lug a nearly comatose person that outweighs you by nearly a hundred pounds for a mile in hopes of getting help. You would have just left him or gotten an ambulance to take him to the hospital. He fought overwhelming odds and redoubled his efforts when he saw what they were doing to you. They had to fucking knock him out. He cares, he's in love, but he can't admit it because he's your bodyguard. 

"What would your father do if he knew?"

"He'd either have him killed or reassigned." Martha says in a much more thoughtful voice.

"Why haven't you told your father that you seduced him?"

"I didn't want him hurt or taken from me." Martha looks at Trinity in awe as realization hits her.

"Eat your dinner. I think you and Gabriel need to have a long talk. You are welcome to come back to my bed. I don't even mind being a substitute lover, but I want you to be honest with yourself about who you are making love to. Of course we don't have to have sex, we can just share a bed if that's what you want. You need to decide, though, just what it is you want."

"Yes, you said that to me before," Martha says looking down and her voice distracted.

"It's no less true now, than it was before. Like I said, I don't mind being a substitute as long as you're honest."


"Yes, Martha?" Trinity says looking at her.

"Thank you." Trinity doesn't say anything he just pulls her into his arms.

"Let's go to dinner, shall we?" Trinity takes her to dinner but it's a quiet one. Both lost in their thoughts.

Trinity wakes up in some stranger's bed. He slips out and gets dressed. He makes his way back to his cabin and slips inside. At the sounds he hears he wishes that he'd waited for another go round with the beauty he'd left. 

He shrugs and goes into the shower. 

"Trinity?" Martha says, waiting for him on his bed when he comes out of the shower. 

He'd left her outside the cabin last night after she went in. He had a feeling things would go the direction they did, that's why he found another location to sleep.

Trinity looks at her pausing as he gets dressed. 

"We talked for a long time last night." Martha blushes, "Well more than talked as you heard I suppose. You were right, I was just using you. I owe you an apology for that. And another thank you. I got upset at you when you gave me the pill. You were just looking out for my welfare and I took offense. I acted childishly and you didn't deserve that. I want to thank you for that, and," Trinity takes out another pill while she talks to him. He hands it to her even as she continues. This time she takes it and tosses it back without question. "I want to thank you for being more of a friend than I've ever had before. No matter what happens, I want you to know I appreciate every thing you've done."

Trinity resumes getting dressed, "You're welcome. Will you be staying with Gabriel tonight?"

"Yes, and if possible at any hotel or whatever place we'll be staying at."

"We'll be staying in London for a short time. I don't know what Damon has planned yet. I'll be finding out later. I think we can arrange things so you and he can share a room if that's really what you want."

"You are a good man Trinity," Gabriel says standing at the doorway.

Trinity snorts, "Yeah and I have the scars to prove it too."

"How did you get these?" Martha says tracing over the scars that are close together.

"I got those the night my idiot father decided to go against Phoenix and attack his estate. If it weren't for Ana, I would have died." Martha traces the scars and moves on to others. He'd nearly died more than once in Ana's service.

"Martha, what the hell are you doing?" Trinity grabs hold of her hand.

"Thanking you."

"She wants to do this Trinity," Gabriel says in amusement.

"No." Trinity says and moves away from her. "Gabriel take her back to your room. They start serving breakfast in an hour. Will you be joining us today? Or perhaps you two would like some time alone?"

"I need some more clothes." Gabriel is amused at Trinity backing of from Martha. He'd told her that Trinity wouldn't accept and she hadn't believed him.

Trinity motions to his clothes, "Help yourself. I'll be up on deck. I think I'll let you two some privacy. I only have the one spare key card and Martha has it, sorry, or I'd give you one. You aren't a prisoner any more than she is. Enjoy the day out on deck, we dock in England tomorrow."

Trinity grabs his shirt and his phone. His keys and weapons he'd already placed about himself. That reminds him, he goes to the safe and opens it.

"I already gave her my spare gun." He tosses Gabriel a knife. "But a bodyguard shouldn't be without weapons."

"I don't use knives much." Gabriel admits.

"When we get to London I'll work with you. Ana is insistent that we always have a knife on us. It's what helped us bring down Javier and Snake, although Snake's son did a lot towards that, using a knife." Trinity states and takes another knife from the safe. He looks at it in his hands for several long silent minutes.

"Knives won't always save you, but they just might." Trinity holds onto the knife and closes the safe. He leaves the room putting his shirt on.

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