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Trinity has never felt so much pain before in his life. He groans and even that hurts him. "He's waking up." He hears someone say but he doesn't recognize the voice.

"Trinity, can you hear me?" That voice he recognizes but he can't respond. He wants to open his eyes but they are so heavy.

"Trinity wake up please?" The voice is pleading with him. Where is he? Why is Trina here wherever here is? Thinking hurts too much and he falls back into the dark depths and lets his memory play.

"Trinity, how are you holding up?" Ana asks she knows that he's hurting even though he's doing his best to hide it. The throwing against the rock that Spider did earlier had hurt his ribs.

"It hurts like hell to breathe, boss." Trinity says softly hiding his pain.

"Have you seen Doc?" Ana demands as she looks over her bodyguard.

"Yeah, he's done all he can. Not much you can do about bruised ribs though, just needs some time to heal."

"Very well, let's pack it up. Trinity why don't you restrain our two guests once more?" Trinity nods at Ana's requests and takes out some cable ties and secures the two bloodied men before helping them stand once more. Two more of Ana's men come out and take charge of the prisoners to escort them to the trail and from there to the vehicles.

Damon watches their efficiency and approves. "How did you find this place, Ana?"

"Look around you Damon, or don't you remember six years ago?" Ana says softly with a smirk.

Damon shakes his head, "I never was in this part of town unless on a mission."

Ana giggles, something that grabs Trinity's attention as well as Damon's. He hasn't heard that since Ana came down the stairs at Christmas and found Jenny in Damon's arms.

"I lived just a few blocks from the warehouse district. I would sneak out of my house and seek for some place to play away from my parents. I found this access road when I was playing. This was the place I could come to and no one would find me. I didn't care if I was trespassing, I wasn't hurting anything." Ana looks around as they hike down the trail. She steadies Damon as his shoes slip on the steep trail.

"You really should have worn something better than dress shoes, Damon," Ana's tone implies laughter.

"If I'd known that I'd be going hiking I would have. Thanks for the heads up, by the way." Damon says mockingly.

"Oh, you're most welcome, Damon. Anytime." Ana gives him a mocking little bow.

It takes them less time to get back to the cars then it took for them to hike to the clearing. The two captives are unceremoniously tossed into two different trunks. Damon goes into the same car as Ana and Trinity. Trinity makes sure that he is in between the two.

Damon does what he can to make himself comfortable, but he isn't finding it easy. After all he's not entirely sure what his standing with Hawk is at this moment. It had been friendly up til now but, he's not sure how much longer that will be.

"Relax Phoenix, I won't be breaking our alliance any time soon. Unless of course you tell me that you've actually entered into a marriage contract with Spider." Ana says closing her eyes and resting.

"I'd rather die a thousand deaths by my worst enemies than marry that bitch." Damon's words are acidic and sharp.

Ana's smile would send shivers down their spines if the other two had seen it. Soon now, the time will be soon.

Since they didn't see the smile the other two are able to relax as well.

Ana on the other hand isn't able to relax. She has a traitor amongst those that she brought with her. Those are her most trusted men and it infuriates her that they would dare to betray her. It is definitely time to give another demonstration about what happens to betrayers.

"Damon, might I impose on you some more?" Ana asks breaking into Damon's thoughts.

"What can I do for you, Ana?" Damon asks coming back to the present in the blink of an eye.

"I have need to conduct some interviews with my men. I have a traitor among my most trusted men. Then I'll need to borrow your yard to do my demonstration of why you don't want to betray me." Ana explains what her needs are.

Damon swallows hard, "I've heard that you have such plans for me as well."

Ana smiles the smile that always makes Damon worry about his future.

"Oh, I've been toying with an idea," Ana's smile drops. "I've been debating it for awhile and for right now that idea is on hold. I can't forget all that you have done for me, no matter how hard I've tried."

"You are welcome to use whatever I have." Damon says in the silence that falls at her words. "You are welcome to whatever I have." Damon was in essence giving her Phoenix.

"Phoenix is your problem, I have to deal with Hawk and now that stupid Spider group. I just need some simple things." Ana says sassily.

"As you wish Ana."

Trinity really wishes that she would stop this game. Damon is trying Trinity can see that, but then again Damon had hurt Ana so bad that a little trying on Damon's part isn't going to be enough.

Ana instructs her driver to pull over once they've passed through the gate and close the gate behind them.

"I might trespass here, but it doesn't mean that I want others to do so as well. The longer the body goes without being found the better." They hadn't buried Spider, just pulled his body into the trees and left it there. The weather forecast said that there would be a string of storms coming in and that would wash away the blood. The animals might just help in dealing with the body as well.

"If the storm knocks out the cell tower the body might be found..." Damon trails off as Ana shakes her head.

"I own the local station. All repair work will be done by those that work for me."

Damon snorts his appreciation, "You weren't trespassing then."

"Not this time, no. Other times most definitely. That trail you followed was made by me, for the most part at least. It took me some time to find it when I came back and a bit of clearing to make it visible for those that didn't know what to look for. You were lucky I've had time to redo it or you would have had a much tougher time getting to me than you did."

"Ana, you need to sleep. Trinity would you switch places with Ana?" Damon doesn't dare do more than ask politely at this point.

Trinity hesitates and looks to Ana for her response. She nods in exhaustion. "He's not going to do anything to me now."

Damon is actually hurt that she thinks that he would do anything to hurt her at all. He holds his tongue though, since he's getting what he wants, Ana next to him where she belongs.

Just like nothing has happened, Damon puts his arm around her and holds her and she finds herself falling into a deeper sleep than she's been in for months.

"Sleep Little One and when you wake you can deal with your traitor." Damon says softly.

Trinity sighs in relief as Ana finally falls into a deep sleep.

"Have her nightmares been bad?" Damon asks Trinity, talking to the younger man for the first time since he left Phoenix's headquarters.

"They've been getting worse. I've done all that I can but," Trinity shrugs he doesn't know what else he can do. Ana needs Damon to sleep. He's not Damon.

Trinity wants to stop Damon when they get to the house but he's too hurt to carry Ana and she desperately needs to sleep.

"Get the doors for me will you Trinity?" Damon asks in the nicest voice he's ever used with Trinity. 

Trinity doesn't hesitate he moves ahead of Damon and opens the front door and then goes up the stairs to Ana's old room and opens that door as well. If he didn't know any better he'd swear that Ana never left, the room looks just like it did before they left on the night of the party.

He pulls back the covers on the bed and Damon sets Ana down and then takes off her shoes. Trinity watches as Damon pulls up the covers and then he gently shuts the door. Damon had settled himself down on the chair next to the bed and doesn't look to be moving any time soon.

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