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Jackson hurts worse than he can ever remember hurting. A burning pain in his back brings back his memories. Trinity. He opens his eyes and finds Damon at his bedside, sitting with his back bent and his head down.

"Damon," Jackson manages to get out.

Damon sits up and Jackson can see that he's been crying. "Ana?" Jackson says in real alarm he didn't think Damon would cry otherwise.

"Ana's fine. She just went to the restroom." Damon manages to choke out.

Jackson swallows hard. He knows the answer but he has to ask it, "Trinity?"

Ana comes in at that moment and they both look at her.

Ana gives a weak smile, "Jackson, good of you to come back to us. Your wife and children would never forgive me if I don't take you back in almost the same condition you came with me. As it is she's going to skin me for you coming home with another scar. She told me she's tired of you getting new ones."

Jackson wants to smile, but he can't until he hears that Trinity is alive as well. "I heard her when she told you that and I told her it's better than the alternative. She'll forgive you for this Ana since she knows that it was because I was trying to help Trinity.

"I saw three people come out of the tunnel entrance. I know one was Martha. I'm guessing the other two were Trinity and Gabriel?"

Ana's weak smile falls and tears fall down. "Yes, Gabriel shoved Martha down. Trinity stood in front of her."

When Ana doesn't continue, "Trinity?" Jackson urges.

"The bullet knocked him down." Ana can't continue.

"Dammit, did he live or did that ass Luke kill him?" Jackson is getting angry and that makes his back hurt.

"Calm down Jackson, Luke stabbed you pretty deep. That ass never learned that you always make sure of your kill before turning your back on them. In this case I'm glad he didn't learn that lesson." Ana says going over to the bed and laying her hand on him.

"I couldn't tell which was Trinity and which was Gabriel they were so coated in dust and are so similiar. I didn't know.

"They brought him to the hospital. They worked feverishly on the one they could to save him. There had been a lot of lung damage to him. To them all." Ana stops and has to take a breath.

Damon takes up the story. "Martha is still on oxygen. Trinity...fell and hit his head he didn't make it. Gabriel is still in intensive care, they think he will make it."

"I failed you Ana, I'm sorry." Jackson says holding back his own tears. Even more than Jacob, Ana was connected to Trinity. He had one job given by her, make sure that if Trinity came out of the tunnel than he would be safe.

"I nearly lost you too. You didn't fail me, that bastard Luke did." There are fires in Ana's eyes like he hasn't seen since Jacob died.

"Luke is dead?" Jackson asks, he doesn't care for torture any more than he likes executions, but in this case he'd make an exception.

"Oh, no. He's going to go home with us once everyone is out of the hospital. Then I'm going to take a very long time with him. I think I'm going to stretch it out to at least a month before I skin him. If he makes Trina lose her baby this time, perhaps I'll make it even longer. That bastard is going to pay and pay hard for taking Trinity from me." Ana is harder than Jackson has ever seen her and it hurts him to see her like this.

"Because of Martha, there were no other injuries on our side. I'll be asking both Gabriel and Martha to join us. They have no further reason to stay here, but they might not accept.

"Trudy would like them to come at least to meet Gabriel. Trina would like to meet her brother.

"I don't know-" Ana breaks down crying and Damon holds her as she lets out her anguish.

"We'll be holding the funeral when we get home. At least he got to see the first one." Damon says trying to lighten things up and failing miserably.

Gabriel holds Martha as they listen to the funeral. Martha is sobbing uncontrollably. It's her fault he's dead. He pushed her out of the way and took the bullet meant for her.

Martha feels herself enfolded in female arms. "Don't cry, Martha. Trinity did what he wanted to do. He saved your and his brother's lives, because family matters to him. He'd do anything for family. He was furious when his sister lost her babies because of your sister and what she did to him. But he never felt rancor towards you. He'd want you to be happy and enjoy life. Don't cry over him.

"He lived years more than he should have. Ana saved his life six years ago. He was devoted to her for that. That's six years more we had with him. Six wonderful years, don't cry now."

Martha holds to Trudy tight and lets the tears come anyway. 

Once Martha lets go Trudy offers her arms to Gabriel. "He told me about you before you landed in England. He was going to tell me about you. Now I want you to tell me. I'll tell you what I know about your mother." Gabriel finds himself nodding to Trudy.

"It is the least I can do since he saved her for me." Gabriel says pulling Martha to him and holding her tight.

Trudy hands him a key card. "I want you to have this." They had just gotten done talking about Trinity's life. "Trinity didn't have much of a chance to use this, but I know he'd want you to have it. I've already cleared it with Ana and Damon."

Trudy tries to smile but can't quite manage it. "It had been a gift for all his years of devoted service. Neither can handle the idea of selling it, but neither do they want to enter it.

"I don't think Damon will ever forgive himself for ordering Trinity to take the mission of dealing with Yvette. That's when we started losing him. When Sarah died, when she chose to die. She wouldn't have been given that option if Damon hadn't told Trinity to take the mission. Ana would have given her instructions to keep quiet and let her go. 

"But she had to be brought to the estate and saw too much, learned to much. Trinity really liked her." Trudy has to stop talking, she takes a deep breath and calms down before she can continue.

"I know Ana has offered you a position here. I would like for you to think about it. You have no need to accept it, I know. With the money Ana gave to you both you will never need to work again. But please, I and Trina would like for you to stay even if you don't accept the position."

Trina holds her babies in her arms and once more has to wipe the tears away. Her brother would love to have held them. Twin boys. 

Calum leans over and gives her a gentle kiss on her temple. "They are beautiful, Trina. Thank you."

Trina and Calum had gotten married in a small ceremony witnessed by Ana and Damon, her mother and Jonah, and her new brother and his girlfriend Gabriel and Martha.

"I want to name them Trinity and Jacob." Trina looks up at Calum with tears in her eyes.

"They are fine names and will give them something to live up to." Calum approves whole heartedly.

Just then Ana and Damon come in with her mother and Jonah. "They are beautiful Trina. What are their names?"

Trina watches Ana as she replies, "Trinity and Jacob."

"Perfect." Ana says holding her hands to her mouth.

Damon holds her when she starts to cry once more.

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