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Trinity carries Ana into her new room and sets her down on the hospital bed. Ana looks at it with distaste. "I can't wait for Damon to be able to walk again without that damn cast. We can't even share a bed until we are back upstairs."

"We wouldn't be doing anything any way," Damon says coming in behind them.

"But you would at least be holding me." Ana pouts, she's already beginning to feel big. She knows Damon loves her, but being tied to a bed will make it so that she's putting more pressure on him. She doesn't want him to feel trapped by her.

Damon looks at her, "Ana," he goes over and takes her hand, "you are the most wonderful woman I know. A few months of no sex won't make me change my mind on that. Our children are growing inside you making you even more beautiful. I'm not going to look for a new bed mate." Damon smiles, "I want to see my children grow up and have children of their own."

Ana squeezes his hand and looks down. "I'm always making trouble for you."

"Ana," Damon waits for Ana to look up, "you're worth it."

Trinity would gag if he didn't believe that Damon meant every word he said.

Trinity is three years younger than Damon, yet in that moment he wants what Damon has. Someone to love that is worth whatever pain and stress they put each other through. Damon found his love early on and just had to wait for her to grow up. Trinity wonders if there is anyone actually out there for him.

"Trinity," Ana calls to him and he snaps out of his thoughts as he finishes pushing the beds together. "What are you doing?"

"You and Damon might not be able to share a bed, but that doesn't mean you can't be next to each other."

Ana looks at him with tears in her eyes, "You need to find a girl friend Trinity, and not just one of your usual toys."

Damon looks at him with approval. A rare occurrence for him. A slow smile comes onto his face, "I believe we are settled in. Be back here tomorrow for lunch."

Trinity smiles back, he had been expected to be ordered back for breakfast.

"See you both tomorrow then."

Trinity wastes no time exiting the room and heading for his own. He throws a few clothes in a bag and heads out. 

He hesitates as he gets in his car. He's never been in a car accident before but he hears that it sometimes makes it hard to get behind the wheel afterwards.

He gets in and finds that he has no problem. Maybe it's because he doesn't remember the accident. But for whatever reason he doesn't care. He makes sure his seat belt is on and then he takes off.

He gets to the hotel and hands his car off to the valet. He's only been to the Sands a couple of times. He's never really had the time to study the hotel in detail.

"Welcome to the Sands, how may I help you?" A pretty little brunette asks from behind the concierge desk.

"Mr. Phoenix recently gave me this penthouse and I've never been there. Which elevator do I need to use?" Trinity asks smiling. To his dismay at the mention of Damon's name the girl gets a look of fear, that to her credit, she is able to mask fairly quick.

"I'll have one of our bell hops take you there and make sure every thing is to your liking, Mr.?" the girl waits for is answer.

"Halcon. Trinity Halcon." Trinity says trying to put the girl at ease.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Phoenix said to expect you he just wasn't sure when you would be arriving. Everything should be in order." Just then a man comes up to Trinity and waits patiently.

"My, name is Sarah, feel free to call down if you have need of anything, and this is Travis. He'll show you to your penthouse. Please enjoy your stay, Mr. Halcon." Falling back onto her normal words as a hostess helps to ease the fear that Sarah feels.

"I'll be sure to let Mr. Phoenix know that his staff is doing a wonderful job." Trinity says and gives the frightened girl a wink before leaving. He couldn't be sure but he thought he heard her say, "At least he's not like Mr. Phoenix."

From the expression on Travis's face he had heard correctly. "No, I'm not like Damon. He gets a bit too intense at times."

Travis takes him over to a certain elevator bypassing three others. There is a look of curiosity but he's too well trained to ask.

"I've known Damon for years. He can be very intense, even down right scary, but if you can deal with that then he's a decent enough guy." Travis gets a scared look on his face, "I won't say anything to him. You haven't done anything wrong."

Travis shows Trinity where to put his key card. The elevator starts automatically. "The elevator opens directly into the penthouse. I hear that Mr. Phoenix and his new wife spent a great deal of time preparing this for you sir. I hope you like it."

Damon spent a great deal of time preparing the penthouse for him? Ana he could believe, but Damon? When did they have time?

Trinity places a hand on the young man's arm, "When did Damon and Ana come here to work on this?"

"Mostly it was Mr. Phoenix as I understand it. Before that nasty business of someone trying to kill him. He brought his wife, I guess his fiance at the time, after he got out of the hospital before the wedding."

"Yes, that was a nasty business. Ana's body guard was killed, I thought, we all thought we might lose Damon too. Ana was damn near hysterical." Trinity says lost in his memories once more.

"You were there sir?" Travis says looking at Trinity with awe.

"Yeah. Just be glad you have this nice safe job. I saw more blood that night than I ever want to see again." That's true, but it's not the only time he's seen blood or even caused it to flow. Damon isn't the only one going to hell.

Travis gets over his amazement and shows Trinity around. Trinity makes special note of the hot tub and infinity pool.

Damon had gone to a great deal of trouble for him and he wonders why. Ana he could see doing this for him, but Damon...he just doesn't get it.

"Is everything to your satisfaction?" Travis asks anxiously. Only the intimate members of Mr. Phoenix would so casually call him by name, let alone his wife.

"It's wonderful."

"Mr. Phoenix wanted us to let you know you have a line of credit already set up here. Feel free to buy whatever you wish. Those were his exact words for us to tell you." 

"What time does your club open tonight?" Trinity says after nodding at Travis's words.

"Nine o'clock. Just let them know your name and you'll be let in." Travis assures the newest tenant of The Sands.

Trinity takes a bill out of his wallet and passes it to his still slightly frightened guide. "Thank you, you've been most satisfactory."

Travis nods and returns to his duties. On his way down the elevator he takes out the bill, he just hopes the man isn't a cheapskate. His eyes open wide as he sees the hundred dollar bill. Mr. Halcon is no cheapskate. 

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