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Trinity tried he really did but he couldn't stay awake. But this time he falls into a normal sleep and just has nightmares. They aren't nearly so bad as the nightmares Ana used to get, but they are bad enough that they wake him up.

"About time you wake up," Trina's teasing voice immediately calms Trinity.

"Trina, I thought I heard you during the time I was in a coma, but when I woke up you weren't here. Calum is rather annoyed that they won't let J.J. in the hospital." Personally Trinity likes the fact that Calum wants his sister with him. It will keep Calum out of trouble if she is.

Trina smiles a small secretive smile rather reminiscent of the Mona Lisa. "I know, I wanted to be here, but the hospital rules about babies and young children is one they won't bend. Personally I think if we could bring JJ here then it would help pull Jonah out of his coma." Trina's smile falls she doesn't like the idea of Jonah passing any more than Trinity does.

"How are you doing?" Trinity is quick to change the subject. This stress couldn't be good for her child.

"Don't tell Calum, I had a doctor appointment right before I came. I'm following along in Ana's footsteps and having twins. I want to tell him myself but finding time might be rather difficult. The sooner everyone is out of the hospital the better it will be. 

"The doctor wants me to cut down on my stress. He says it's making my blood pressure too high and that could cause problems with the ba-" Trina is interrupted.

"You had a doctor appointment and didn't tell me? I would have made the time to come," Calum says from the door. He had only heard the last part of her sentence.

Trina looks over at him and gives him a slight guilty smile. "You've been so busy that I didn't want to make things even harder on you. But come in, I have news." 

Calum suddenly becomes nervous, "Are you okay? Is the baby okay? Hell, I'll find some way to ease back my workload. Maybe now your useless brother is awake he'll be able to help."

"Hey!" Trinity exclaims, he knows that Calum is just messing with him though so he doesn't take any real offense.

"Stop fussing, it's nothing like that, but it is important." Trina refuses to say anything more until Calum sits down. She doesn't like how drawn he looks. "I'm not the only one that needs to cut down on stress."

"Damon will be receiving a smaller cast soon and that will help immensely. Once he can be with Ana everyone's stress levels will go down." Calum rubs his eyes trying to get rid of the burning in them. He hopes that Trinity will be able to take at least some of the pressure off of him.

Trina takes his hand and he smiles at her, relaxing a bit at just her touch.

Trinity sees this and thinks that maybe finding love wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

"What did the doctor have to say?" Calum asks gently.

Trina bites her lower lip and Trinity notices how it makes Calum's eyes darken in desire. His first reaction is one of defense for his sister but then he has to chill, she's Calum's girlfriend and it's obvious she and he have shared a bed. He doesn't want any further information. That much is hard for him to deal with.

"Well, the doctor did say that everything is going alright, but I do need to lower my stress. He also told me one more little thing," Trina is having a hard time getting the words out.

Calum now tightens his hold on Trina's hand thinking it's something bad. "I'm not having one baby, we're having twins." Trina finishes in a rush.

Calum sits there stunned into silence. The longer he sits there and doesn't say anything the more worried and then sad Trina becomes.

"Don't just sit there like a lump you ass, say something to my sister before she starts crying." Trinity says angry.

Calum shakes himself visibly and pulls Trina into a hug. "I'm sorry, the shock on top of being tired has made me slow to react. Trinity's right I am an ass. Irregardless of how I first reacted I am thrilled that you are having my child, well children. Now we just need to find a way for me to spend more time with you so you can be less stressed."

Shortly after that the two say their goodbyes to Trinity and take some much needed time for themselves.

Trinity turns on the television and finds out the date. That can't be right. The nurse comes in shortly after and he verify's the date. "Just how long was I in that damn coma?"

"About four weeks Mr. Halcon. When you are ready for a shower let me know and I'll get you some clean clothes. I'll make you bed with fresh sheets as well." The nurse says brightly.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Would it be possible for me to visit my friends that were also in the crash?" Trinity wants to see for himself that Ana and Damon are okay. And wants to check on Jonah and his mother too.

"Sure thing. I'll bring in your clothes and a wheelchair for you then." The nurse leaves and swiftly returns with the items stated. She helps Trinity and once assured that he's steady enough allows him to shower in peace.

When he comes out his bed is freshly made and a young female is waiting for him. "The nurse says that you would like to visit some other patients? I'm here to take you to their rooms." The young teen blushes when she finishes her speech.

Trinity tries to not let his smirk come out. She's a bit young for him but it's nice to know that his four weeks shaggy appearance isn't off putting to the female gender.

The girl, her name is Shelley, takes him to Ana's room first. "Is it alright if I come in?" Trinity gives a little knock and opens the door partially. Calum did say that Ana was constantly on the phone and he doesn't want to come in if she's having business dealings that innocent people shouldn't know about.

"Trinity!" Ana all but screams. "Please, come in. Calum said that you woke up. I wanted to visit but the damn doctors won't let me get up for anything more than going to the bathroom and showering. Six more months of hell, before they'll let me up again.

"Now get your ass in here!" Ana demands and once he's beside her pulls him into a death hug.

"Damon will kill me if he saw you hugging me like this," Trinity manages to choke out.

Ana sheepishly lets him go, "Sorry. I've been worried and being unable to get up all I could do was badger people for information. The staff are terrified of me. Even more so of Damon."

"What about me?" Damon says coming into the room.

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