Untold Secrets

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I heard screams coming from the hallways as I looked up from my schoolwork. I was in my free period so I decided to take a look. I heard faint growls and screamed myself as I saw a human--or was that a human?, take a bite out of my best friend's neck. Blood gushed down and I heard bones crack. The monster that was biting her had gray skin, colorless eyes, and looked....dead. Like a rotting corpse. I shrieked, as it continued to devour my friend and I saw body parts getting ripped from her neck and shoulder. "Haley! No!" I screamed. The....dead person...or whatever the hell it was looked up at me, got up, and started for the room I was in. I shut the door right before it could hit me. I locked it and started crying, and then vomited at the thought of the organs and blood, and because of my best friend dying in a way I never thought possible.

I looked out of the window, and I see those monster things devouring as many people as I could see. The sky was dark, and the world was turning into hell. I thought of my mom, and my 3 step sisters back at home. Were they ok? What is going on? What are these monster things attacking and eating the living? I looked out and saw the Atlanta skyline being bombed. I held my heart in shock, knowing there was no way that I would survive. I cried some more as I watched the city burn up. Bright lights the bombs left off were shooting like fireworks, and I felt light headed. I once again, built up the little courage that was left in me and looked through the small window in the door. Those....things....were still eating everyone. Students, teachers, anyone. The lights were burning out and there were blood on the walls, and organs everywhere. I felt my knees giving out and then I fell on the ground....and then everything went black.


I fluttered my eyelids open, hoping whatever happened last night was only a dream. Then, I got up and realized I was still in my school. I was in shock, I looked out the window of the door, and it was quiet. There were organs, blood, and loose papers everywhere. I almost vomited at the sight and tried to calm myself down. I didn't know what to do, what if those things are still out there? I was all alone, and I sat down, crying into my hands. I started shaking and having one of my famous anxiety attacks that I get regularly and lied on the ground, in a ball.

After what seemed like forever, I calmed down. I knew I had to do something. I had to get to my house and find my mom and step sisters, if they were still alive. If not, if I even have the courage to think about that, I would head to the mountains, there's no way that those things could get that high in 24 hours. My heart beat a thousand miles an hour as I quietly unlocked the door and opened it slowly. I saw a spray painted message on the lockers and it said "Hit the head" I looked at it funny, and walked faster. I made my way through the hallway, avoiding all the broken glass. I finally made it too the doors of the school, and almost passed out at the sight I was greeted by. Dead bodies and skeletons were laying all over the ground. I didn't see a trace of those walking dead things. I was scared. I was crying at the horrific sight, knowing it would never ever leave my mind no matter how long I lived, or how hard I tried, and it didn't help with my anxiety.

I quickly made it too my house, quietly. I opened up the screen door, and was met by a strong odor, that seemed to be coming from the living room. It smelt like rotten flesh--and that's when it hit me. "Mom!" I hollered. I ran into the living room, and gasped at the sight and fell to the ground in shock. My mom was laying flat on the ground. Her mid section was torn apart, and there was a giant pool of blood all around her. "Mom!" I cried. I crawled up to her cradled her face next to mine. She didn't deserve this. Hell, no one did. After maybe 15 minutes of crying, I heard a breath come from her mouth. Her eyes opened, and I said "Mom?" She started growling, and her eyes were a weird color, and they weren't normal. She got up, looked at me, and made a frightening noise and growled. "No, it can't be." I whispered to myself. She got up, and ran towards me. I did what my first instinct was and grabbed a butchers knife from the kitchen.

I had to do something, but what? She was closer to me. Then it hit me, my mother was now the living dead. But, I couldn't kill her. I then thought of the message on the lockers at school "Hit the head" and I screamed in mental pain as to what to do and climbed on top of the counter. She grabbed my ankle and I whispered "I love you." as I sunk the knife into her head. Blood splattered everywhere on my clothes and the cupboards. I wheezed in pain at what I just had to do and fragilely got down and stepped over her. I cried heavily and shook so much that I thought I was going to hypervenilate. I was terrified. I just had to kill my mother. The thought bounced everywhere in my unstable brain as I went up to my room, knife still in my hand. I looked in my sisters' rooms, but there was no one there. I looked through their drawers and saw their jewelry and a few belongings were gone. "They're alive." I said and headed to my room with my mind set on one thing: to find my 9 year old triplet sisters.

I grabbed a big enough back pack and packed clothes, some food, and some shot guns my mom kept in a safe that I unlocked. She didn't know I knew the code, but being a snoopy child, I had my ways, and luckily it was my lucky day. I packed extra bullets and some family photos that only consisted of me, my mom, and my sisters. None of my dad. I wasn't allowed to learn about him, mom said she had her reasons, and I kept it that way. I then scavenged through some files in my mom's closet, and stumbled across a orange, packaging envelope that said "Cassy." It was sealed shut, I didn't know I decided to take it, but something told me I would need it, so that's what I did. I looked through the triplets' room again and saw a note attached to the bed. It said "Casey, if you're alive, mom sent us to the woods. Help!" -Love, Stephanie, Marry, and April.

I grabbed the note and headed out with a gun by my side. The Georgia air started to cool as the sun went down. I was wearing blue jeans that I tucked into my combat boots and a black tank top. Standing at only 4'10, the woods seemed huge. I took a deep breath and took a step into the deep forest. After about an hour of being in the woods, I heard a twig snap. I turned around, my gun in hand. There was nothing there. I cautiously kept walking. "Stephanie? Is that you?" I hollered. "Mary? Apr--" I was cut off my someone putting their hand around my mouth and pulling me near a tree. I screamed with his hand over mine and he let me go. "What the hell are you doing! There are walkers everywhere. Keep your voice down!" He whispered fiercely at me. He was tall, tan and had curly black hair. I breathed heavily in fear as he said "I'm officer Shane Walsh. Are you with anybody?" I nervously shook my head. "I was looking for my sisters. They left a note saying there went into the woods." I said. "Big mistake." He said. He put his hands on his hips and sighed. "Come with me. I have a group, and you need a place to stay before dark." I nodded and followed him.

When we got there, there was a lot more people than I expected. There were kids, and little hispanic girls that reminded me of my sisters. "Shane who's this?" A woman with long brown hair asked urgently. "Lori, calm down. I found her in the woods, she's not bit. She was looking for her sisters, and she needs a place to stay before dark." He consulted with her. I uncomfortably shifted around as I got stares from everyone. "Dale! You got an extra tent?" Shane hollered at the older man at the RV. "I have 1 more, give me a minute!" He said back. "You can pitch your tent next to that one." He pointed to the one a little far from the others, but was near enough in sight. "Daryl and Merle aren't here. Daryl is out huntin' and Merle went to town with a few others on a run. But you'll be fine. " Dale handed me a tent and I thanked him quietly. He gave me a smile and he said "What's your name?" "Casey." I softly answered. "Welcome, make yourself at home." He patted my back as I went to pitch my tent next to the empty one.

I could already tell, this was going to be one hell of a ride.

A/N: OMG so lately I've been going on a TWD frenzy and couldn't help but write a book. I loooove Daryl, so he will be the main focus, as well as Casey. I'm going to try to follow the TWD storyline/script as well as possible so bear with me! Thanks! Love you all <33 -Emi

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