~Flashback- I left Juuzou behind~

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"Aw, you really shouldn't have come kicking and screaming- you we're a pain to get in here" A slightly overweight woman with far to much makeup on spoke to me in an annoyed tone, while smoking a cigarette. I rolled my eyes and looked to the corner of the ceiling, slouching on the -what seemed like- metal operation table, my chains making a few sounds. 

"Remind me again, why am I here with you, old hag?" I mumbled loud enough for her to hear, frowning. The woman laughed hysterically, showing her yellow teeth:

"Oh honey! Don't think that you're special or anything! You just seemed to be there at the right place at the right time..!" She said whilst wiping a tear of laughter from her eye.

 I sharply exhaled and grouched, "That's not the exact answer I wanted, but whatever". My small cell triggered my claustrophobia, consequently making me extremely moody at times. My wrists ached and cracked every time I moved them- the bruised surface making it more painful. On the other hand, my ankles didn't feel too bad. My black jeans were now a little too ripped after the brawl, most of my legs were showing, however my black shirt still looked brand new. 

After a while I heard someone humming a tune, and it wasn't the lady nor I. Their footsteps growing louder and louder with each step. By the sounds of it, it was a girl...no...boy...no..ugh I can't tell! Their pace sped up and they broke into a sprint until they stopped at my stone-walled cell.

"Hey mama! Oooooh, is that the new girl you were talking about? She's so pretty!" The..boy..? spoke, rocking on his heels and beaming with the cutest smile. Did he just say...mama..? I blushed slightly at his words.

"Oh look at the time, it's time to put on a show" The hag chuckled to me, taking the key and unlocking all my handcuffs, then shuffling to the door and flinging it open with both arms. "Ah, yes Juuzou, she is the girl I was talking about! And guess what?" 

"What?" Juuzou smiled. He had the reddest eyes I've ever seen...and his white hair was at shoulder length, separated in a side-parting. He looked around..15 to me.

"She's going to be your new partner!" She answered, clapping quickly in front of her chest. Wait...partner for what? It could be anything! What is she gonna make me do?? "But she is a ghoul, so be careful!"

Wait..be careful? Does it look like I would ever harm him? I mean like, he's so adorable!! And- NO! What am I thinking? I can't think like that! He's human..I think...

"REALLY?! Cool!!" He laughed, jumping energetically in the air- his hands above his head. His smile grew wider..if that was even possible. "I've always wanted a ghoul as a partner!!"

"Well now you do!" She smiled. As she took a breath to say something else she looked at me, her smile dropped, as she said "Are you coming or not?" in a pissed off tone. Jesus, you could have told me to get up sooner...

I cleared my throat and shook my wrists and ankles out of the open chains, looking down to the floor. I moved my wounded wrists in a circular motion to get the cracking out of the way, then I hopped off and then crossed my arms, swiftly walking towards the woman who was staring at me. I shifted my gaze over to Juuzou, who just smiled at me. I awkwardly smiled back was about to exit the cell until the stupid hag decided to barge in front of me, her fat ass blocking the way as she shuffled out. I gave a look of disgust and glared at the back of her poofy ginger hair, uncrossing my arms and leaving them by my side, my hands clenched into a fist.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We arrived at our destination, the hag had gone to a 'viewing area' so it just left Juuzou and I alone in front of two huge double doors. 

"You know what's on the other side of these doors?" Juuzou said to me, tilting his head slightly and pointing to them.

"N-No...I don't..what is it?" Why did I just stutter?? I don't usually...dear lord... . Juuzou chuckled and placed one of his pale hands on the door then looked back at me.

"This" He simply said, pushing the doors open with both his hands, revealing many ghouls in masks sat up high in seats above a circular flat surface made of -mostly- tiles. A couple of humans stood in the middle, looking petrified..too petrified. Juuzou handed me two knives and then looked forwards, smirking and spinning the blades between his fingers as he spoke "All you have to do is murder...but try and keep them alive for as long as possible, you got that?". I smirked as a reply, and let my ghoul eyes take over. I let out an unsettling giggle and whipped my head forwards, Juuzou giggling slightly too. Spontaneously, we both leaped forwards at high speeds- the wind blowing our hair out of both our faces. I raised my arms, clutching the blades. A woman with short brown hair stood in front of me, shaking her head and screaming for me not to kill her. I laughed loudly and used one leg to push me off the ground, my hips were the highest in the moment. I turned my nose up to her, my smirk grew malicious. I then fell on top of her- straddling the terrified woman, I plunged my blades into both of her upper arms and out the other end, cracking into the tiles. I could feel the knives scraping against her bones, therefore I rocked them back and fourth. Her blood-curling screams echoed throughout the dome and the positive uproar of the on lookers filled my body with adrenaline. I lent down onto her shaking chest, closing my eyes. I took a bite. My eyes instantly burst open and I tore the flesh away from her neck, swallowing it. I laughed, quickly ejecting the blades from her arms. My prey started to scream with many tears flowing down her face- which I ignored. I looked over to find Juuzou, who wasn't too far away. He looked back me with an adorable smile, his eyes closed- his victim breathing heavily beside him. I smiled back and looked to my own victim, her hair sticking to the open wound. Her expression changed from petrified to determined as she frowned, placing her hands on my collar bone as she tried to get me off her and switch our roles. 'Boy, hasn't she made a mistake' I laughed to myself as I dropped one blade and grabbed her gushing neck, then pounced off the floor to a large height, taking her with me. She gasped and held on to my hand around neck, relying on me not to drop her. I laughed again, however I stuck my tongue out- swinging my arm that carried my victim over 360° at fast pace. Still in the air, I struck her to the ground, using my leg to push her down faster. I heard the crack of her spine as she darted to the ground, sprawled in an uncomfortable position- blood spurted out from all different angles. Gravity started to take it's affect on me, consequently I bent my knees and raised my arms- bracing myself for landing. Throughout all of this, the crowd was still fully entertained with Juuzou and I's performance, clapping and 'wooing' at random times. I had landed, my legs still bent. I whipped my head up and smirked, running towards her again. I circled her, cutting her limbs off one by one. As if we had planned it, Juuzou and I took turns laughing the same phrase as he straddled his victim-stabbing him in the chest:

"Are you dead yet?"

"Are you dead yet?"

"Are you dead yet?"

"Are you dead ye-"

All of a sudden there was a loud bang, followed by a large rumble of the building. The ceiling started to cave in, and all the ecstatic ghouls ran for their safety- I couldn't blame them really. Knowing that I would die if I stayed here any longer, I bounced off the walls- shooting through one of the Mezzanines and disappearing from the scene. After a while of parkour and squeezing through small gaps to escape the building, my ghoul eyes retracted and I started to plod down the city streets, my head hung low. Something seemed off to me...but I couldn't pin-point it...

However it had then hit me, my blood turned cold and it felt as though my stomach had dropped 100ft into the floor.

I left Juuzou behind.

I Bleed From These Stitches... (Reader x Juuzou)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora