Chapter 10 ~ Bleeding Out

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There stood the building. The building that started and ended it all. I could see my warm exhale turn into a frosty stir of icy breath- today was super cold, colder that usual. I took a few slow steps forwards until i broke into a loose sprint, leaping across the rubble. there was quite a lot of debris in the way of the main door, so i had to pick up some speed before i crossed my arms in an 'x' position in front of my face and bust through the rocky entrance- escaping the cascade of rocks that followed on. i, however, immediately regretted my decision. i felt a 'crunch' under my black vans as i looked down and a thick however clumpy substance leek through them- i had just stood on a rotting corpse. "Oh god, what the fuck?!" I shout-whispered, retracting my foot and wiping it across the floor, away from the deceased man- making a loud squeak sound that echoed throughout the spacious lobby. i took a quick breath out as i glanced towards the battered metal doors that led to the slaughter room...

Slaughter room...

Nostalgic memories attacked my head as i stared into the blood-stained tiled room, a few other corpses decorated the floor and mezzanines. Well...few was an understatement. A little peak couldn't hurt, right? I rested my hands in my hoodie pocket and blew some loose strands of hair out of my face, walking at a fast pace towards my destination. Once i had made it inside, i instantly recognised one of the dull corpses. A familiar brown-haired woman laid on the floor, multiple stab wounds throughout her body- clotted yet clumpy blood had been splatted all over her figure. My heart sank as i remembered she was my first kill in the ghoul restaurant...accompanied by Juuzou. i sighed...I really wanted him back...but now i'm here, blankly staring at a decomposed body. I heard a... faint giggle...coming from...above me..?

"Who's this?"

"I haven't seen her in ages!"

"She's still alive?"

There was apparently multiple female voices, they all sounded quite...excited. I didn't dare to turn around, in fact i froze in place.

 Little did i know that this scene was about to become a blood bath.

I Bleed From These Stitches... (Reader x Juuzou)Where stories live. Discover now