Chapter 3 ~ Pain

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"I'm coming Juuzou~"

The what was small goosebumps turned into large ones as the freezing winter breeze battered around my body, my long sleek hair blowing around above me. As I continued to decend, I thought that it might be a good idea to slow myself down a little- whilst also keeping an eye on Juuzou. I shifted my gaze to a bridge that connected two buildings over the main road, that was my destination for now. I bended my legs even more to brace for impact while I looked down to the bridge, taking a sharp breath in. My feet came in contact with the bridge, I sprung forwards and rolled to the edge, reaching for the top of the lamp post. Is it just me who gets the feeling of dé ja vú?
Both of my hands grip around the top of it, I then used my momentum to swing forwards onto one of the lower buildings with my body straight like a plank, succeeding. Once I was over the rim of the roof, I put my hands onto the floor first- rolling until I naturally stopped. I quickly inhaled then exhaled, springing up onto my feet. Turns out the alley that juuzou was engaged in combat in was just behind this building, I knew this because of my flawless sense of smell- I guess after 4 years I can still remember his sweet yet salty scent...
I lightly jogged to the other end of the roof, the nervous butterflies spawning again. As I approached the edge, I could see more clearly the ghouls he would slice up and impale, not feeling a shred of sympathy. His smile said it all, it hadn't faded since I first saw him back in the jail cell. I couldn't wait much longer, I had to see him face to face.
My eyes seeped into their ghoul form as I stood still, planning out my attack to protect Juuzou- although it looked like he didn't need it. But I don't care. Without a second to waste I sprung forwards at a fast pace, grabbing my hand out in front of me to reach the back of one of the ghouls shirts. I pulled him backwards into my mid air figure, kneeing him in the back- causing it to snap. Since as I had no weapons with me, I decided to use him. I twisted his neck to the left and waited until I heard it snap, I then ripped his whole spine out of his slim figure- the blood spurting out from all angles, even splatting my face. I licked my lips, his blood wasn't to my taste however it wasn't horrible. I kicked his empty corpse to the side as I proceeded to use his jagged spine as a katana. I stabbed it into multiple ghouls necks once they were all reletivly in a straight line, creating a some what ghoul kebab on a spine. I took a greedy bite out of one of them, until I turned the spine to face the concrete floor, pushing it down vertically- making it shatter and crushing the necks of the dying bodies. I looked to the right, to find Juuzou still in combat- not noticing that I had saved him from at least four ghouls. He was starting to struggle with his enimies, so I decided to step in. I could hear his shallow breaths, he was clearly struggling with breathing too. Once he directly struck one in the head, I leaped over him, my shadow casting over the bloody battle field. I flipped over and pushed off the alley wall with my feet, spinning like a spinning top onto one of the ghouls, tackling him to the floor, grabbing the back of his head and pulling it forwards- hearing his neck snap and hearing the loose fragments crunch against his spine. After defeating another ghoul Juuzou finally noticed me, while also noticing the corpses that I had created. We made eye contact for a couple of seconds before I stood up, giving him a smile.

"(Y/n)..?" Juuzou said with doubt, shaking his head. My smile grew as I nodded, a blush spreading over my bloody cheeks. His whole face lit up, just like when we were announced partners at the ghoul restaurant. He really hasn't changed. He dropped his huge weapon, running towards me in a tight embrace ; he wasn't scared of the fact that I had killed many, or the fact that I was a ghoul and that he had been killing the- huh? Wait...why had he been killing ghouls? I thought that he wouldn't do that because of obvious reasons...what the fuck? Well I guess I was more than a ghoul to him. But I'm still confused..!
Pushing all my confusing thoughts to the side, I hugged him tighter. I could feel his body shaking as he lightly cried into my shoulder, "Where the hell have you been!" Juuzou whimpered.
"Shhh, that doesn't matter. At least I've found you now," I whispered, which seemed to calm him down a little. His body warmth transferred to me, allowing me to become a reasonable temperature. I didn't want to let him go, and it looked like he didn't want me to either. It seemed like the whole world had gone into slow motion. I smiled into his neck, I had been waiting for this moment for ages. I felt relaxed and complete...

Until I felt a seering pain dart down my back and my vision robbed from me.

I told you that I would update frequently ;P anyways if you guys have any suggestions for this story then feel free to share them 😊 lmao idek why I'm proud to have 30 reads :') ANYWAY  I'll see y'all again soon!


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